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Shia LaBeouf's Bedroom of Creepy Building Super Visits. Shia wakes up in bed to find Henry sitting beside him. Ok, that's weird. Why do these two have a relationship? Henry's the building super. Not Shia's dad. Or is he? I know I wouldn't want a building super hanging out in my apartment, watching my kid sleep. That is, if I had kids. But still, it's creepy. Henry asks Shia how he's feeling and then Shia asks Henry why the police are looking for him. Henry tries brushing it off on supposed stolen cable and then asks Shia if he'll be ok by himself. Shia wants to know where Henry's going and Henry says that it's "something I got to do I've been putting off." Yeah, putting off since 10 minutes ago.

Mulder and Scully's Sensible Rental Car. They discuss Henry. Such an interesting subject. Except, it's totally the opposite of that. So I'm just gonna skim over this conversation. Henry's got no record of any kind, he doesn't file taxes, have a bank account, insurance, driver's license or even a Blockbuster card. "He's retired from the world."[/Scully] Then Mulder offers his information about how on Christmas 1989 Henry was in a plane crash that killed everyone on board except him. Except he did lose his eye. His seat number was 13 on flight 7. I have never been on a one-digit flight. Do they even exist? Mulder hypothesizes that this crash changed Henry's life and he emerged the Luckiest Man in the World. He severed all ties and went into hiding. Scully counterpoints that there are lots of reasons why Henry would sever his ties, including survivor's guilt. Scully: "I mean, what doesn't track for me is why Henry Weems would drop off the map just because he suddenly became incredibly lucky." Mulder: "What doesn't track for me is why he's resurfaced after all these years. Why he's suddenly decided to use his luck in this way." What doesn't track for me is why this is an X-File and why they care so much.

GhettoMart. Henry asks the convenience store clerk how much the lotto is up to. It's $28 million. Henry doesn't need that much. How much does Henry need? About $100,000. The clerk gives Henry the appropriate ticket. Behind them, also playing the lotto, is the fakest looking punk I've ever seen. Seriously. Even when James Franco tried to go all punk in that episode of Freaks and Geeks where it was purposely written for him to be a poseur, he looked more original than this dude here. Henry and Poseur scratch off their tickets. Poseur loses. Henry wins $100,000. He's excited until the clerk tells him that he'll get the money in monthly installments for the next 12 months. That's too long for Henry. He throws it in the trash. Poseur takes it out, against Henry's advice. Apparently, something bad will happen. The clerk tries to claim the ticket since it was in his garbage after all, but he doesn't really put up much of a fight. Poseur is all "in your face!" He runs out into the middle of the street, holding up his ticket in sweet, sweet victory. "100 grand, fools. 100 grand!" Then a large truck plows him over. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!! That was awesome.

Later at the GhettoMart, Scully is asking the clerk some questions about what happened as Poseur is loaded onto an ambulance. Oh, man. He didn't die? Well, maybe he will later. Especially if there's a chance he's being sent to County. I hear there's an abnormally high mortality rate at that hospital. So, the clerk identifies Henry as being the one who originally won the ticket and when he checked to make sure Poseur was alive, he fled. Then Poseur gave his lottery ticket to the clerk, out of the kindness of his posing heart. Scully's all, Eyeroll. Scully tells Mulder that for such a lucky guy, Henry seems (Get it? It rhymes with Weems! Shut up.) to cause a lot of not so lucky situations for other people. Mulder says that maybe you can't have one without the other. Like love and marriage. Or a horse and carriage. Or this episode and boredom. Scully asks Mulder why Henry bought a lotto ticket. Uh, to win some money? Not that hard to figure out, Special Agent Dana "I'm A Medical Doctor" Scully. "Maybe it's like you said. Why wouldn't the luckiest man in the world enter the lottery? Actually, that's exactly what you said about an hour after you said it." Dun dun DUN!! Not really. Scully checks out Henry's apartment, but he's not there. Mulder is fascinated by a vent in the wall. Scully asks him if he thinks Henry hid in there. The vent is the size of a medium sized book. Unless Henry is not only lucky, but a distant relative of Eugene Tooms, I don't see how he could be hiding in that vent. Mulder and Scully go downstairs to see where the vent leads to. After they leave, another Mafia Henchman arrives and he also finds Henry's apartment empty. He then notices the vent, and goes to check himself.

Henry's Lucky Secret Room That, In The Mob's Case, Is Not So Lucky. As Mulder approaches the room, Henry abandons his little wooden man carving, puts the carving tool in his pocket and hides. Mulder walks in, sees a vent that's actually big enough for a man to hide in and pulls Henry out. Mulder is pretty annoyed and he and Henry are going to have a talk! Henry's gonna sit and not move! Mulder's such a tough guy! Mulder then gets on the phone to call his girlfriend when they're interrupted by the Mafia Henchman. The henchman is startled to see Mulder and vice versa. The henchman shoots Henry, but it bounces off his chest, hits Mulder in the arm, bounces off the walls and then kills the henchman. As he falls over, Scully appears. Henry shows them his dented carving tool that was in his pocket.


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