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Mulder and Scully knock on a door, and talk with a woman who turns out to be "Amy and David's" housekeeper. Mulder immediately gravitates to a painting of a house. Mulder has seen the house before, and finds out Amy's painted it. The housekeeper says that's all Amy paints, and shows Mulder many, many paintings of the same house. It's all very Thomas Kincaid. Mulder asks what the housekeeper knows of the house, and she says that it is in…well, it's an unintelligible sounding town. Luckily, Mulder knows this place because his family had a vacation home in that town, which is in Rhode Island as well. So he could probably spell it and everything. Again, what a coincidence! Or is it?

Mulder and Scully pull up to the house. It looks to be deserted, and not even remotely like Thomas Kincaid now. This prompts Mulder to clutch his head. The weird heartbeat sounds and strobe lights kick in again. Grown Mulder morphs into Young Fox, who is suddenly much smaller than previous incarnations of Young Fox. Young Fox is standing outside the door, listening to his parents argue. His dad finally looks at him for a moment, then shuts the door. Then another man comes from behind the entryway, smoking a cigarette and says, "You're a little spy." As there is only one man in the world who smokes cigarettes, we all know this person must be. I'm pretty sure what was Chris Owens' voice there, but I'm not 100% sure. Mulder comes to, with Scully calling his name out. She explains what happened, and he says he doesn't remember the pain or blacking out, but that he does remember vivid flashbacks from his childhood. Scully says it was a seizure, or an "electrical storm in the brain." Mulder says it felt really good. Scully argues that he's not really good. Scully's really such a buzzkill. She's probably just jealous that she doesn't get groovy flashbacks from her major neurological condition anymore. Mulder ignores her and enters the house, saying he thinks he's been there before. Mulder goes to check out the upstairs.

The house has long since been abandoned, and is covered in gigantic cobwebs. I'm not even sure I knew such big cobwebs really occurred outside of Halloween, but I try and avoid entering rooms that have been uninhabited for years. Scully walks around, and then spots a body on the floor, covered in blood. Because the woman is wearing a white sweater, Scully can easily tell that there's been a gunshot wound to her heart. Scully says, "This must be Amy Cassandra," as Mulder walks up behind her and looks at the body. Scully sees another body, and adds "And her husband." Mulder walks across the room and looks closely at the male body, and shoots Scully an "Oh, shit," look.

The police have come to investigate. Scully tells Mulder that the police want to speak with him, and that she has explained his condition. I personally wish we could have seen that scene. "Officer, my partner has no idea what happened, though he was covered in blood and pretty much led me right to the bodies. But he did clutch his head in pain at one point, saying he got vivid, nice feeling flashbacks. No, really, he's not on drugs. Oh by the way, we are FBI agents who investigate the supernatural." Mulder, half tongue in cheek, says he should get a lawyer before talking to the police. Scully says she refuses to believe Mulder had any part in this. Mulder decides to be the one to point out the obvious, pretty much summarizing the episode up to this point in ten seconds. Mulder asks if the words "Orenthal James Simpson" mean anything to her. Scully sighs, and a police officer comes sauntering over to question Mulder, asking him how he's feeling. Mulder says he's feeling confused. The police officer skeptically says that his partner said that he has had seizures, and just had one right there. This is all in a "how convenient" sort of voice. The officer asks what brought Mulder there. Mulder says he doesn't know, and thinks he came there as a kid. The officer says, "You think?" Clearly, the officer does not buy it. He questions him some more, and basically Mulder says that he had never met the victims before in his recollection, and that the first time he ever saw them was when he walked into that house, using their keys, finding them on the floor. The officer seems to have a few issues with this story, saying that there are prints in the house, many with blood. He asks Mulder if he really wants to stick with that story. He asks if Mulder wants to come to the station to elaborate. Scully says firmly that the only place Mulder is going is to a hospital. The officer agrees, but wants them all to go together. He wants Mulder to ride with him. Scully decides that she can be a lawyer as well as a doctor, and advises Mulder not to say any more until Scully gets a closer look at the evidence.


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