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1x09: FALLEN ANGEL < PREVIOUS This leads our agents to walk down a hospital hallway discussing the possibility of radiation poisoning. Scully argues for her Libyan nuclear warhead theory since the burns might be similar to what had been reported in Hiroshima. Mulder shoots that down arguing that the same injuries have been reported in Close Encounter reports. You know, my dear special agents, neither of you have actually seen the burns. So, both of you shouldn’t jump to any conclusions. At least Scully points out that she doesn’t claim to know what the answer is but urges Mulder that they need to get to the OPR in the morning, otherwise there may not be any more X-files. Again, Mulder, maybe a badge is just a badge. That’s when we see burned soldiers wheeled in closely followed by Colonel Henderson steely-eyed and scary. And Mulder’s expression looks, I don’t know, attracted? Oh, Duchovny! In the ER, Mulder is nagging Henderson, who keeps checking on his men. Nice scene actually. Despite Henderson being a scary badass who is obviously the bad guy, he does care for his men. Scully is being talked into helping by Dr Oppenheim so Henderson can’t throw her out of the ER but he has no trouble kicking Mulder out. Oppenheim on the other hand is growing some balls, and kicks Henderson out. Heh. Daylight. Sigh. Even if all this posturing lasted 2 hours, it took Mulder at least 4 hours to get back to Max’s RV, at which door he is just now pounding, but getting no answer. Max doesn’t lock his door, so Mulder goes in and finds Max convulsing on the floor. Mulder holds him until the convulsions stop. Max doesn’t remember his seizure, and claims, he hasn’t had one since he was a kid and got medication for epilepsy. According to Max, it started in South Dakota when he was ten. The doctors thought it must have been because of a head injury although Max claims he doesn’t remember ever hitting his head. Mulder jumps right to the issue of Max not having a memory of his seizures. Max mentions that he used to wake up in strange places with no idea where he was and how he got there. Dun! Max gets tired all of a sudden and Mulder helps him to lie down. That’s when he notices a triangular scar behind Max’s right ear. Double Dun! I like that is seems that Mulder is not only interested in someone because of his “quest”, but also actually cares for the person. It’s a beautiful scene. It’s probably also because Max hits very close to home. Cut to Mulder in his motel room, glasses on. Hi Mulder’s glasses! He’s also changed into a red shirt. I’m not sure about that. He apparently brought his inkjet and to print pictures and reports. He’s staring intently at reports and pictures of scars behind ears; note the report mentions the left ear, not the right. It’s either important or a continuity error, you decide. Scully opens the door, looking beat. She tells Mulder that they lost all but two while opening the empty fridge, and closing it again. Nice. She must be starving, so an automatic reflex would be to go to the fridge. I love it. She’s tired and she would like to investigate but they have the hearing to go to. He explains about the incision/scar and shows her pictures of abductees with the same incision. She argues that Max is taking powerful antipsychotic drugs and it’s likely that Max is delusional. Mulder counters with the argument that it isn’t Max who claims he is an abductee, Mulder is. What are you saying Mulder? Where are your drugs? Again, it’s just a badge. Scully takes a moment to contemplate this and then agrees to have a look at Max, also imploring Mulder to go get packing. We cut to officer Koretz reporting flash traffic at the same exact spot. She is reading a much larger craft this time. Male underling who I didn’t give a name pointedly says: “meteor” Ms Koretz. She makes this hilarious sure, fine, whatever face and repeats: “A much larger meteor.” beat. “Sir.” That’s when she gets confirmation from Withmore air force base. Underling with no name asks where it is and she replies: “Well, sir, the meteor seems to be hovering over a small town in eastern Wisconsin” while barely suppressing a giggle.” You and me both, dear. We get another Alien POV which tracks through the air towards Max’s RV, hovers and then seems to get inside. We hover over Max and then his ear starts to bleed, he wakes up, there is a bright light, and then nothing. |