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05.17.08 FUGUES FICTION ARCHIVE (THE X-FILES) UPDATES Post-Colonization CazQ, "THE FURIOUS WINTER" "The world is uncreated, a sheet of blank paper: purely, coldly white and sterile. Silence presses in on him from every side, a stifling feather blanket weighing heavily on his skin. So much silence; he feels as if the weight of it will cause his skull to crack and cave inwards." Rated R. Lisby, "VESTIGY" "I marvel that I am writing to you--that we are allowed to communicate. Back in the Simpleton camp, the day we said good-bye on the train platform, I never thought to see or hear from you again. That would have been a great shame after all we endured together. It snowed here last December (yes, it does sometimes snow in "Helldorado"). That night I was alone in my cot and damned cold. I thought about you, me, Mish, and Snappy on the day the guards told us snow was coming--each of us with our pitiful standard-issue quarter tent, throwing them in together and--voila--instant domicile and instant family. Remember how we--what did Mish call it?--"puppied" for warmth? Good old Mish. When I was assigned to a delivery train, she was in decline. I hope she made it to a ghetto--that " she died somewhat free. " Rated R. Notes: A little bit of slash. nevdull, "ONE ONE-THOUSAND" "Sprinting through the back streets of D.C., I thought about all the colonization scenarios I'd played through my head while killing time at the office. Panic sweeping through the cities. A swarm of paralyzing bees. Armies of faceless aliens setting the population aflame." Rated R. Mulder-Scully Relationship Faye, Cathleen, "PENTIMENTO" Pentimento is an art term meaning to obscure what was once there, such as painting a new picture over an older one on a canvas. But as it ages, oil paint on canvas can become transparent and slowly, what was there before can be seen again and the whole truth of the picture, once lost and obscured, can be rediscovered. This story of the reunion of Mulder and Scully is much the same. Rated PG-13 Fortune, Julie, "FATA MORGANA" "I'm losing you, he thought. Of all of the things he'd faced in his years with the X-Files, all the monsters and aliens and sheer human evil, this was the bottom of the depths of pain." Rated R. nevdull, "AUDIENCE OF ONE, AN" Storytime with a tough crowd. Rated PG. nevdull, "THANK YOU, DRIVE AROUND" "Radio off, windows up, conversation non-existent, the agents drove in silence. As thoughtlessly as he normally took the wheel, Mulder had thrown Scully the keys, perhaps as a peace offering. Maybe if he'd done it on his knees, she thought, gripping the wheel." Rated PG. Nicole, Maria, "BRIDGE" "It was starting to wear off already, he knew, this abnormal closeness that had developed between them while they were trapped in the giant mushroom. In a few days, he and she would be back in their separate bodies and minds, and the memory of their shared hallucinations would fade. He had expected her to ignore the residual closeness until it had passed, until the drug wore its way out of their system." Rated PG-13. Nicole, Maria, OPPOSITE OF IMPULSE, THE A small town, a broken-down car, a decision. Rated PG. Zuffy, "FALSE MEMORIES" Two years have passed since Mulder left. And then a woman walks into a bar. Rated PG. Zuffy, "NIGHT SONG" A woman awakens on a couch. Rated PG-13. MSR From 3rd Person POV Michel, J.S., "MARINES AND COPS" "...anybody who fit such a perfect Bureau mold couldn't possibly understand the X-Files." Doggett adjusts to life in the X-Files. Scully/Doggett friendship. Rated PG-13. Casefiles Keil, Kelly, "DEUS EX MACHINA" Scully is adopted by a cat with an ulterior motive. Rated R. Knecht, Idria Barone, "CARLA ETUDE" Mulder meets a kindred spirit on the way out of Arizona. Rated PG. nevdull, "FISH FOR FALLEN LIGHT" "It may be necessary to remark, that previous to the period I beheld this object, I had heard it frequently reported by several persons, and some of them persons whose veracity I have never disputed, that they had seen such a phenomenon as I have described, though then, like many other, I was not disposed to credit their testimony on the subject. I can say of a truth, that it was only by seeing this phenomenon, I was perfectly convinced of its existence..." Rated R. Also, available offsite here. nevdull, "GAZZANGIA" The mind is a terrible thing to split. Rated R for violence and language. International Conspiracy Casefiles nevdull, "TIMBER" The stars are projectors. Rated R for violence and language. Also available offsite here. Pre-XF Ebonbird, GYPSY Dana skips school and her older sister, Melissa, leaves home. Rated PG-13 for controversial topic. Humor nevdull, "22 MINUTES" Here's the pitch: It's a real heart-warmer, a family show that touches everyone. The kids'll love it, and grandma too. Rated R. 05.03.08 According to my webstats, no one comes here to look at the fiction updates, so if anyone does stumble onto this page, know that I *am* updating the various fiction lists and archives, I'm just not listing them here every time because 1) no one looks here, and 2) for my own sanity's sake, not posting these every time I update (which, can be as often as once a week) saves a ton of time. And time is something I have precious little of these days. Anyways, I frequently (i.e. every two weeks or sooner) update the following: Beyond Year 7: Post-Hogwarts/Post-Deathly Hallows Fiction Recommendations Snape & Harry Mentorship/Partnership Fiction Recommendations However, since I was stuck without internet for a few hours today, I randomly remembered I have some stories by Nascent lying around, and apparently, Fugues Fiction Archive is the only archiver of Nascent's stories. FUGUES FICTION ARCHIVE (THE X-FILES) Casefiles Nascent, "FROM ASS TO ZEBRA" Okay. So what if, like, Vince Gilligan was me, and I was Vince? I am he, and he is me, and we are all together! Step aside, Vinzeno. Let D.N. show you how it's DONE. Rated R. (49 KB) Nascent, "FROM LAMBS TO THE SLAUGHTER" Your strongest enemy is one who has nothing left to lose. You know how important Agent Mulder is to the equation. You don't want to turn one man's fight into a crusade. Excuses, excuses. Rated R. Nascent, "SAID THE SPIDER TO THE FLY" The truth about Samantha Mulder. Or: Nascent develops her split personality. Rated R. (53 k) Nascent, "SWINE OF THE PRODIGAL SON" Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday's gonna be all right. Rated R. (44 K) MSR From Third Party POV Nascent, "COCKFIGHTING" "'I was thinking about Alex Krycek', he said finally." Rated R. (33 K) Mulder/Krycek. [ go to FUGUES FICTION ARCHIVE ] 12.10.07 Based on this list of Fiction Updates, I know it doesn't look like I've updated much. But I assure you, stories have been added to the House and Harry Potter fiction recommendation listings. I just haven't been posting the list of updated stories, because both listings are fairly new. I'm starting to add House M.D. fiction updates to this list because the fiction listing is finally becoming of a reasonable size. Also, I am doing something else differently: I am linking the new stories here too. Hopefully that makes it more convenient for you all to read these stories. HOUSE FICTION LISTING/RECOMMENDATION UPDATES Classics (copy) KidsNurse, THE DEVIL YOU SAY, BATTLING THE DEMONS, THE DEVIL'S IN THE DETAILS "When he's finished he stays there for two full minutes, fingers at House's wrist, eyes on his chest, monitoring his pulse and respirations. He's pleased with the numbers. He stands, takes his cellphone from his pocket, and reluctantly types in a text to Cuddy. Just three words, but she'd understand it and come as soon as she could, and he'll fill in the details when she arrives. He looks at the message, their agreed-upon code, and presses 'send'. 'House is down.'" A massive three-part trilogy on pain, friendship, and comfort. House/Wilson/Cuddy friendship. Rated PG-13. A Day in the Hospital "The nurse at the clinic intake desk looked up, startled. Whether it was by the appearance of House or Foreman was hard to tell. She'd noticed that House had been gone for a few weeks and had assumed he was on vacation. Quite frankly, it had been a vacation for her and the other nurses as well. Doctors in general could be hard to deal with on a daily basis but House had the rest of them beat. Everyone knew he hated working in the clinic; they knew because he told them everytime he walked through the door and announced his arrival to whoever the poor soul was working the desk. He'd then take a folder, grumble something under his breath, and head for the assigned exam room. Now he had a partner, who looked equally unhappy to be there." Rated PG. Elixie, PINKIE STICKIES AND SHRODINGER'S CAT "Next came the bugs. Not real ones, he didn't want Cuddy deducting for exterminators from his pay. He found realistic fake ones. Aside from a squeak when she found the first one and a scream from Cameron since it was flung in her direction, she merely started shaking out the folders before she opened them. House had to admit the sight of Cameron almost flying across the room screaming was fun, though." Rated PG. Light House/Wilson. What a stupid move it had been, to hope that House would not find out that he was going to the conference in Aspen. House/Wilson friendship. Rated G. Wilson and House enjoy a drink at the end of a difficult day. Rated G. "Cuddy corners House in his office with the determined intent of telling him to stop fucking around with his (and by proxy her) bedridden staff so that they recover faster, despite the knowledge that it's futile arguing medicine with him even on the best of days - which aren't often. She is stopped in her tracks at the sight of him sprawled in his chair, picking through two huge gift baskets that sit on his desk." Rated PG-13. stickfigurepeep, TREMENDOUS BRUNETTES Everyone has a type. Lolita returns, House was wrong, and no one has syphilis. Rated PG-13. Robert Chase is stuck babysitting the six-or-so year old daughter of a paitent while House and the others bully her father into undergoing a complicated and dangerous procedure. He gets bored. Rated PG. Topaz Eyes, FORMULA FORTY-FOUR A rather hair-raising situation, with a uniquely House tint. Rated PG. Conversation Pieces He was building up his credit of negatives. Rated G. The night brings a last conversation between the dying old researcher and an unexpected visitor. Rated PG. Post-Informed Consent. Relationship Tales cobweb_diamond, BACKGROUND NOISE Wilson waits for House to wake up after the shooting. House/Wilson. Rated PG. " She introduced herself as Stacy. The name smacked of a pseudonym, but Wilson was inclined to believe her--she looked too successful and too classy to be picking up younger men in a bar with a fake name. She was older than him by at least ten years, but good-looking, with dark hair and eyes and a bright, sultry smile. Everything about her told him what she was looking for--James had already grown adept at reading people, at being able to tell the desperate, lonely ones from the ones looking for one night, and Stacy was not the former. " Rated NC17. House/Stacy/Wilson. Cameron watches. House/Wilson pre-slash. Rated PG. jadesfire2808, YOURS, MINE, HIS Every story has three sides. Yours, mine and the facts. Foster M. Russell. There's always more than one way of looking at things. Rated PG-13. "A small part of House was grateful for Wilson's crumbled marriages. It made him less heroic, a sort of Pyrrhic victor. He was like the Phillies over the last couple years: starting out the season great, then choking at the end of it." House/Wilson. Rated PG nightdog_barks, LETTERS OF TRANSIT Wilson is Wilson, no matter where or when. House/Wilson. Rated PG. phineyj, THROUGH A GLASS, DARKLY COMPANION PIECE TO "ENDGAME" "Out of the corner of his eye he saw Cameron drifting back to her place at the table. Once more she'd brought him coffee, without thanks or even acknowledgment -- much the same way she answered his mail, organized his case files, and handled several other administrative chores that he couldn't be bothered to do himself. Three years ago he'd been curious to know how long it would take for her to give up, especially once he made it plain that he wasn't going to repay her in the emotional currency she craved; but apparently the answer to that question was the same as the answer to the question of when Wilson would stop paying for House's lunch: never. " Rated PG-13. House/Cameron. sam_storyteller, SHORTEST DISTANCE, THE After losing a patient, everyone reacts differently; Foreman writes charts, Chase does Sudoku, Wilson goes to the movies, and Cameron kisses Greg House. House can't resist telling Wilson; Wilson can't resist putting his oar in; Cameron can't resist her one shot at pinning House down. Rated R. House/Cameron. sam_storyteller, SYNCHRONICITY Dead patients, car wrecks, drug overdoses, journalists, Comatose Charlie, and orange chicken. Must be love. House/Wilson. Rated R. Stacy left once. House isn't letting it happen the same way again. Rated PG-13. House/Stacy, Stacy/Mark Warner. temet_nosce, SPELLBOUND AND SWALLOWED Beneath his fingertips he can feel blood, warm and essential, coursing through her veins. "You leave me absolutely exhausted." Rated PG. House/Cameron. vanillafluffy, CONFRONTING THE DANCING BEAR "There's a lamp on the bedside table beyond her, and in its 40-watt glow, you study her thoughtfully. Her profile makes you think of an old cameo your mother had, carved with delicate precision and the same soft ivory skin tones. What have you, done, oh God, what have you done? This is the first time you've gotten together outside of the hospital. Being this close to someone is scary. You have a strong desire to ease out of bed and bolt, but you don't want to risk disturbing her." Rated PG-13. Chase/Brenda. Dreams & Introspection He never really says, 'I want to have children, Allison,' but a month after their wedding, she can't find any condoms in the apartment. If first is the worst, what about second. Rated PG-13. Warnings: miscarriage. House/Cameron big-tears, HEAVEN/EARTH/DREAMS "GOD laughs at this but you don't feel like an idiot. THE MAN STANDING NEXT TO YOU has made a very realistic observation and you wonder if, being three and picking daisies from YOUR MOTHER's flower bed, you could feel the impending ache of divorce limping into the corners of your family's suburban home." Rated PG. "Sometimes, when he's bored or pensive, House toys with the universe, and right now seems as good a time as any. He sits in his office chair, leans his cane against the desk, and pulls a random coin out of the change in his pocket. He looks at it first; it's a Connecticut quarter, 1999, George Washington on one side and an oak tree on the other, its sturdy trunk tapering off into thinner branches, the branches tapering off into finer and finer detail. It has a patina of wear, but is still shiny for its age. He balances it on his forefinger, and flicks it into the air. There's a well-known theory about universes running in parallel - that every decision made or not made, every action taken or not taken creates, in effect, its own world, with paths leading off at every juncture. Infinite possibilities, almost close enough to touch, but what passes for us, our consciousness, getting to experience only one out of all of them. With each toss of the coin, House likes to think he can almost see this process in action." Rated NC17. House/Wilson. elva_barr, WE READ THE LAST PAGE AND END AT THE BEGINNING "For Wilson, it's not irregular. Patients have died before, he's an oncologist, patients, for him, die at least every week, but House only takes on one or two patients in a week, and everyone knows that they're not … They aren't supposed to die. " Rated PG-13. When Wilson suddenly dies, there is no one but House left to pick up the pieces. House/Wilson. Rated R. He had dinner with Cuddy and watched her across the table, glowing in the low light of the restaurant, her lovely fine hands flying around her face as she talked and her thin shoulders holding up the weight of the world, so impossibly in love with Gregory House that Wilson found it hard to breathe around her some days because he knew how that went. Rated PG. A meditation on autumn melancholy, death, life, and cold. Post-Informed Consent. Rated PG. "House tried to glare at the trinket but his flashbacks were getting in the way. Making some snide remark and ignoring Wilson's response, he let the thing clatter into the trashcan, satisfied that even Anubis himself wasn't as lofty as his own feather standard. " House/Wilson. Rated PG-13. You don't get me and I don't expect you to. You claim to understand everyone, to be able to read people, but I've fed you my stereotype until I hope you choke on it. You look at me and you see a rich, young, (spoilt?) pretty guy, fucked-up by his parents (and how did you find out about my mother anyway?), chewing on a pen, wearing a tasteless shirt, making insensitive comments. Maybe that is me. Maybe it isn't. Rated PG. House/Chase "James Wilson lives in squares, rectangles, with right angles. He defines, defines, defines. He sharpens away, he doesn't hide behind blurs; his world is black and white because grays only appear when a person doesn't look close enough to see which bits are white and which are black; to figure out the absolute truth; there is always an absolute truth, even if no ones smart enough to figure it out." Rated R. House/Wilson. Chronic Maladies 2ndary-author, PAIN CHRONICLES, THE "House is drawn to Diprofaxon for all the same reasons he'd be drawn to a new sports car: it's small, brightly-colored, German, and dangerous. The newest model in every sense, it's featured in the Experimental Treatment column in the European Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding that House is reading when Stacy walks into the kitchen one morning. She recognizes the distinctive green cover. All through his long recuperation, she'd ferried his many subscriptions to the hospital and then brought them home again, unread. Now he reads them at night, plowing through hundreds of closely-spaced pages in the wee hours. Physical therapy wipes him outhe comes home exhausted, picks at dinner, and falls asleep by 10:00 PM without saying goodnight. Later, Stacy will slowly, gently ease herself down next to him, daring herself to reach across the five-inch ocean of rumpled sheet that separates them. She falls asleep listening to his breathing and wakes up in the middle of the night to find him gone. Insomnia is a well-documented side-effect of vicodin, and Greg was never a sound sleeper at the best of times." House/Stacy, Rated R. "House did not spare a single thought to going to the girl's assistance. Instead, his most fervent desire at that moment, was to just jump on his bike and accelerate out of there. His overactive imagination detained him. Suppose he couldn't get away fast enough? What if he started his bike, alerting the attacker to his presence, and then the normally reliable engine stalled? It was a possibility; in fact, now that House was worrying about it, it was virtually guaranteed. He would be a sitting target, vulnerable and physically incapable of running away." Rated R. House/Wilson friendship. Note about the link: The link goes to part 3 of the story. Parts 1 & 2 are linked on Part 3 of the page. As Wilson loses his sight, some thing are easier to see. Rated PG-13. House/Wilson "He was a doctor. He didn't believe in God. He didn't believe in heaven or hell. (He was already in Hell.) He supposed that all death would be was darkness the end of existence. And as depressing as that may seem, he wanted it more than he wanted life. He wanted the relief. He wanted the end of pain, of sorrow, of anger, of disability. He had pushed himself long enough. Every man had his limits. And House was at the end of his. He was ready for the dark. He was ready for dreamless sleep. He just needed to make sure Wilson didn't follow him yet." Rated R. House/Wilson. "The dead ones come at night. Not in the usual ghostly visage, the boneless moans, the vacant groans, the rattling shutters. No, they come demanding answers. Shouting for resolution - crying for relief. They always want to know the same thing. Why. Why them, why me, why now, why, why, why?" Rated PG. House/Wilson. Note about link: This story is linked to part 7. Parts 1-7 are linked on that page. "There were days when Robert Chase hated his boss. Gregory House was a brilliant doctor, but he was a difficult person. He could be charming, amusing, and entertaining, but he could also be a right bastard when he chose - and he chose often. Chase had lived the first fifteen years of his life with a brilliant doctor, who was - coincidentally - a right bastard. He often thought that gave him an understanding of House - or at the very least, a certain degree of immunity. He wasn't blinded to House's flaws by devotion like Cameron, but nor was he blinded to his strengths by resentment like Foreman." Rated PG-13. "I asked you. The one thing I asked of you. To let me know when you finally called it quits." Rated PG. House/Wilson friendship. nightdog_writes, HORSEFEATHERS When an accident lands Wilson in the hospital, House doesn't want to admit a secret. PG-13. Wilson has an unexpectedly rough time at a convenience store, and it's all House's fault. Rated PG-13. Wilson was cautious. He was going to be cautious for the rest of House's life. Rated R. Warnings: suicide attempt. Simply Kelp, SOMEONE WHO CARES Chase thinks about his life as he plans his death. Rated R. Warnings: suicide attempt. springshine, ANOTHER DAY, ME AND YOU House bears the weight of his uncertainties. Rated PG-13. House/Wilson/Cuddy friendship. smartnsweet1, MUSGRAVE RITUAL, THE "The metal of the Colt's cylinder felt soothingly cool against Greg's throbbing jaw. He rocked back and forth on the edge of the bed, rhythmically stroking his cheek with the .22 for a few minutes, before falling back onto the mattress with a choking sob." Rated R. The leg gets worse and our heroes must do something, but will the cure be worse than the disease? A look at addiction and enabling. Rated R. House/Wilson established relationship. Faced with illness, will House find anything or anyone worth fighting for? Or forgiving? Rated PG-13. Pre-House Foreman learned a lot about guns, and in the process, a little bit about himself. Rated G. "Problem was the gun had been used in a shooting. The cops had come looking for his brother and found the gun instead. They'd hauled him and his father down to the station and waived his own juvie record in front of him. He'd been furious that the cops might think he'd go so far as to hurt someone and then for the first time terrified that he'd never convince them otherwise. Prison for something he hadn't done terrified him even more. Thankfully the tape from the convenience store had shown he'd not been there, someone else had been the shooter despite his prints being on the gun. Eventually the cops had had to let him leave. To go home with a father who couldn't speak to him for far too many days, could only sadly look at him." Rated PG-13. When House met Wilson for the first time he didn't expect this to change his life forever. House/Wilson. Rated NC-17 Next Generation exhumedpotato, PARADOXES AND OXYMORONS "'It's her responsibility. She wants this. I'm doing a good thing; I'm helping a friend. That's it. I'm staying out of it. It'sI'm not going to be in the picture, I can't be in the picture. She doesn't want me in her life," House said, and suddenly realized his voice was loud and quivering. So he closed his eyes, tried to relax, and added with a sigh and the bare hint of a smile, "Are you mad because you're going to be a grandma? That doesn't make you old, you know. Okay, so maybe it does--"' House/Cuddy. Rated PG-13. Sequel to EVERYTHING NICE phineyj, THROUGH A GLASS, DARKLY "School's not so bad; what they ask you to do is easy and you're always done before they think you will be, leaving lots of time for thinking up ways to annoy the teacher and make the other kids laugh. You make a friend, Sarah, who invites you to her apartment after school one day. Her mom is not at all like yours. Mrs Gould is loud, and laughs a lot, and says things like, 'That would be awesome!' She asks about your parents, so you say they're both doctors, and that sounds boring, so you add, 'And my dad only has one leg.'" Rated R. House/Cameron. Third person POV. Life Without House cryptictac, THREE WORD STATEMENTS IN FIVE STAGES "There are many different sets of three-word statements Wilson has heard (and used) in his lifetime; three-word statements that conjure up the very essence of the message, in three powerful yet simple words: you have cancer, the tumor's inoperable, I'm going home, I want you, I hate you, I love you, please marry me, I'm getting married, I'm leaving you, I'm getting divorced, we are finished. These are all words he's mulled over for as long as it was necessary to before he neatly compartmentalised them and moved on. " House/Wilson, Rated R. Alternate Reality & Fantasy They meet again and again and again. Rated PG-13. Kimberly Rector, FIT THE FIRST: THE LANDING "A high ululation cut through the ruckus and the cool, stale air rushing out of the hospital lobby. Not an alarm, House realized as he moved cautiously through the glass and around the guard's twitching legs to peer into the chaos. He took in papers flying, nurses and patients scrambling, Cuddy white-faced and talking into a cell phone, and three guards training their weapons on an Amazonian brunette in a leather mini-dress and knee-high boots as she somersaulted onto the nurses' station. A battlecry." Rated PG-13. Crossover: Xena: Warrior Princess When House wakes up one morning, something is...different. Rated PG. Michael Weyer, CASE OF HOUSE AND HOLMES, A "Early November in London is an interesting period. The warmth of autumn and the falling leaves gives way to the chill of winter and this one promised to be quite chilly indeed. It seemed the perfect afternoon to make my way to 221B Baker Street to see what my old friend Sherlock Holmes was up to." Rated PG-13. Crossover: Sherlock Holmes. Just how long have House and Wilson known each other? "The surgeon took three oddly-gaited steps, bringing him nearer the slave; deliberately leaning in too close, he curled his free hand into a fist. The younger man flinched back, his left shoulder instinctively rising as if to lessen the force of a blow. The Roman's eyes narrowed; it was as he had suspected. He'd seen the signs when the torchlight fell directly on the slave's face -- a nose that had been broken more than once, a ragged scar beneath the right eye; even the smooth trace of a burn on the side of the neck, above the ugly iron collar. Separately, they meant nothing, but taken together, the evidence was indisputable." Rated R. House/Wilson House's latest patient has some interesting symptoms one being that he thinks he's a wizard. Rated PG-13. Crossover: Harry Potter Humor What's a fanfic writer to do when no-one will co-operate? House/Wilson, Rated R. [ go to FUGUES FICTION LISTING: HOUSE EDITION ] 05.20.07 | ORESTIA BY AESCHYLUS I "WHAT I TELL YOU NOW I LEARNED NOT FROM ANOTHER; THIS IS MY OWN SAD LIFE ALL THE LONG YEARS THIS MAN WAS GONE AT ILIUM. IT IS EVIL AND A THING OF TERROR WHEN A WIFE SITS IN THE HOUSE FORLORN WITH NO MAN BY, AND HEARS RUMORS THAT LIKE A FEVER DIE TO BREAK AGAIN..." My sincerest apologies, it has been an ungodly long time since my last update. However, I assure you, this update was worth waiting for: months in the making, some of the finest stories I have read. MASSIVE FUGUES FICTION ARCHIVE UPDATE (THE X-FILES) CASEFILES Amperage, MISTRESS Mulder's mistress and dominatrix is killed, but he cannot reveal his relationship with her as he profiles the serial killer who slayed her. Winner of 1996 Spookys for Best Long Story (Third Place) and Best Slash Story (Third Place). Winner 1996 EMXC Award for Best Erotica. Green, Jen, NOCTURNAL PERCEPTION As a serial killer stalks the streets of DC, Mulder and Scully find themselves at odds over the cause of several strange events befalling one of the agents. When Mulder disappears, can Scully suspend her disbelief long enough to find her partner...before it's too late?" Rated PG-13. Hearne, David, ACROBAT With John Doggett as her new partner, Scully has to track down a serial killer who is stalking people from her past. Rated R. Hearne, David, GOIN' DOWN SOUTH "You pissed off one of the greatest forces in the universe and he's coming here to whup your ass.' Mulder and Scully go to a town called Final, Mississippi to investigate a crime that apparently did *not* happen. Rated R. Humbuggie, SINS OF OUR CHILDREN (PART 1, PART 2) While on regular duty, Mulder and Scully are assigned a case, requested by Terence Davis involving a drug dealer turned kidnapper. Mulder literally finds himself the man's next victim, and ends up in the hospital, only to find that the worst threat comes from within. Rated R. Kel, ANGULAR MOMENTUM (Part 1, Part 2) "I saw the same bodies you did, and the same cats and rats and intestines. If there is a lower world, Mulder, I don't think it's only for Indians. Any more than heaven is only for Christians," she said. Rated PG. Kel & Scetti, BACKTRACKING (PART 1, PART 2, PART 3) What do Charlie Scully, the Alien Bounty Hunter, and Jesse "the Body" Ventura all have in common? Last April you could have found all three of them in Minnesota. Rated R. Kel, BASKETBALL THERAPY (Part 1, Part 2) Set shortly before Tithonus, this story explores life in the bullpen, where tedium and background checks are the order of the day. When Scully gets drawn into an investigation at a Maryland hospital, Mulder gets trapped in a deadly hostage situation. Rated PG. Kel, FAILURE TO DIE An undercover assignment lands Agent Jerry Luskin and his colleagues in a "cursed" hospital. Can Dr. Scully handle an emergency without calling for the paramedics? Told from a third person POV. Rated PG-13 Kel, NEUROTIC NEED FOR VALIDATION, A Perception is reality, for we do not interact directly with the world around us or even with ourselves. Rated G. Kel, SHIPP CLINIC, THE Mulder & Scully are sent to a Relationship Clinic to find the device that supposedly forced someone in the Executive Branch to behave amorously. Rated PG. Segretti, Sarah, AMERICA'S GAMES Assigned to the bioterrorism squad at the 1996 Summer Olympics, Scully tries to make sense of confusing evidence, her baffling partner and her uncertain place in a world where the X-Files don't matter. Rated PG. INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY CASEFILE Kel & Kiefer, Michelle, BONE OF CONTENTION (Part 1, Part 2) When an investigation into the origin of a strange bone in the middle of nowhere opens old wounds, 2000 miles away becomes too close to home. Rated R. Kel, CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES (Part 1, Part 2) Those nanites have to go. Skinner is willing to risk it all to be free of the microscopic parasites that Krycek uses to control him. Rated NC17 Kel, RECYCLED VIRGINS As Mulder and Scully become lovers, they suffer through their own insecurities as they take on the Consortium. DREAMS AND INTROSPECTION Hearne, David, JUMPING OVER THE FIRE "The mantis watched Scully with its colorless eyes. It stood before her on its lower four legs, giving Scully a underview of its ten-foot body. She could have spent all day admiring the patterns of deep green, light green, white, blue and purple which stretched from its wide thorax to its thinner trunk. However, Mantis was not to be kept waiting. Those knife-like forelegs were tensed for action and the jaws were tight. " 'Where is Mulder?'" Rated R. Margueritte, MY LIFE AS AN ONION "'I imagine them in front of me, tiny pieces of what was once a whole onion. They move backwards in my swirling imagination, becoming uncooked, then unchopped, then taking their places in the larger onion that was once their life.'" Rated PG. Satchie, DANCING WITH MEPHISTOPHILES While trying to recapture his past, Mulder jeopardizes his soul. Rated PG. THE INDEFINABLE MULDER-SCULLY RELATIONSHIP haphazard method & Segretti, Sarah, OUT OF OUR MINDS Two very private people suffer through the ultimate invasionof privacy: Mulder's new and unwanted sixth sense. Rated PG13. Haynes, Anne, ACROSS THE RUBICON "Mulder unbuckled his seat belt and leaned toward her. 'His pattern suggests tonight's the night, and his fantasy has escalated to a point that I don't think a little entourage of FBI agents will be enough to stop him, now that he thinks he's won this round. Within the next hour, he's going hunting.' He closed the distance between them and kissed her chin. 'Can you'" still see him?" Rated PG-13. JLB, ONLY IN DREAMS "Even though he's tried to keep a safe distance between them all evening, even though he's worried for weeks about being distracted by Scully, it angers him that she can reduce everything to the question of his health, that she isn't " Rated PG-13. Marguerite, ELI, ELI "I turned back to my own plate. The fresh eggs were a delicacy after makeshift campfire meals in Africa and drive-throughs at home. Burger Death, I remembered Charlie saying when we were little, and I grinned around the forkful of fluffy omelette. Mulder cut his eyes at me, smirking, and nudged me with his elbow." Post-Amor Fati. Rated R. THIRD PERSON POV dee_ayy, I CAN ONLY MARVEL Skinner gains new insight into his agents,and himself, as they confront Mulder's illness.Fill-in for "Brand X." Rated PG. Marguerite, CANCELED CHECK "I run my hand over my face. "Mulder, I've been 'right behind you' for years. I was there for you through this whole fiasco. And look where it's gotten me--thousands of dollars in debt."" Rated PG. Marguerite, DEAD TAPE "If he's been accidentally declared dead, then surely there are ways to correct the mistake," he said. " Rated PG. Marguerite, WHOM MY SOUL LOVETH "He hates himself for watching, for making himself into a voyeur, but he can no more look away than he can tear out his own heart - although his heart tears anyway at the sight of Scully anointing Mulder's temple with the lightest of kisses before crossing herself as she watches him breathe." Rated PG. Marguerite, WORTH HER WEIGHT Skinner has to account for Mulder's expenditures in the movie. 1998 Spookys Winner: Outstanding Characterization of a Reccuring TV Character (1st), Outstanding Mulder/Scully friendship (1st) Outstanding Movie Fic (1st). Rated PG. A CASE OF... dee_ayy, GOD & ANTIVENIN Scully faces the severity of Mulder's injuries, as well as the inexplicable aspects of their case and his recovery. Fill-in for "Signs andWonders." Rated PG. dee_ayy, SHORT OF BREATH Mulder has major trouble catching his breath. Rated PG. KatyBlue, THE TOTALITY OF THE BURDEN "Mulder's doctor had been kind, if brief. He'd accepted her excuse of taking over the role that she'd always believed hers. Under a premise of trust in a fellow Hippocratic oath-taker, he'd handed Mulder's medical files over to her. She opened the door to her apartment and entered wearily, tossing the manila folder onto the table. Unable to bear looking at it any further right now. One perusal was enough." Rated PG. Kel, THE DAYS IN BETWEEN Scully in the aftermath of Mulder's abduction, and the Gunmen's newfound nobility. Marguerite, ALWAYS THROUGH THE CHANGING Mulder returns from the dead. Post-Traumatic stress from four points of view. Rated PG-13. Marguerite, BUT OURSELVES "A swish of fabric against plastic, and he was in a supplicant's posture. Kneeling at her side, he pillowed his face on his arms and watched with half-lidded eyes the rise and fall of her breathing. Not her breathing, the breathing of a machine. Hiss. Hiss." Rated PG-13. mimic117, ONLY SKIN DEEP "Squinting against the ache in his head, Mulder tried to focus. Waist-length blonde hair framed a lovely, heart-shaped face. Bright blue eyes were surrounded by thick, black lashes. A button nose perched above a full, cupid's-bow mouth. Her petite body was lushly curved and definitely not a child's, in spite of the piping voice which made her sound like one. Her voice was vaguely familiar although he was pretty sure he'd never seen her face before. He did recognize the gun pointed at him,though. It was his." Rated NC17. Segretti, Sarah, LESS CERTAIN WORLD, A A fragile and frightened Mulder, traumatized by the events of "Biogenesis," turns to an unexpected source for help. Rated R. Segretti, Sarah, UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES Scully and Mulder deal with the aftermath of the Pfaster shooting. Rated R. LIFE WITHOUT MULDER Margueritte, HOW GLORY GOES A vigilant night of mourning. Rated PG. LIFE WITH BABY Baldy, Scarlet, DOCTOR COPPER SAILOR CORPSE "This little piggy rots in his coffin, this little piggy is showing, this little piggy is a good partner, this little piggy is hovering, and all the little Hoover piggies are snickering all the way home." Three vignettes from season 8. Rated R. Kel, PAPA'S GOT A BRAND NEW BAG "I stay home with the baby, and Scully goes out to bring in the bacon. We're lucky in one important respect. I happen to have some bacon of my own. My father and mother took their secrets to the grave with them, but they left behind a small fortune. When I was the last living Mulder, it didn't matter to me, but now I have a daughter." Rated NC17 Tess, DEBROUILLER "Glancing up, he saw Scully and William watching from the window. Charmed by the image they made framed in the window, Mulder stopped the car and gazed up at his family. Scully lifted her hand and pressed it to the glass in a silent farewell. An impatient honking noise startled him out of his reverie." Rated PG. PRE-XF Athene, PROFILING MULDER "He is a chameleon, a dynamic bundle of contradictions: a littleboy with wide eyes and wonder in every pore. A sad man with theweight of the future of mankind on his heart and his shoulders. A cool, professional agent, competent and perceptive about a person's actions, his motivations, and his guilt. A fashion plate: a gorgeous, remote man with the enticing mixture of leather andfine wool and mint toothpaste and some whispery cologne all wrappedup in a billowing wool overcoat and a lock of dark brown haircurling over one hazel eye. A sleepy, lazy-eyed heat-seeking missilein bed at night, dark and brooding, and just waiting for the righttime to pounce on his prey." Rated PG-13. Kel, HOLLOW DAY A caretaker for the Mulder family recounts her memories of the days after Samantha's disapperance. October 1973. Think Watergate. Think oil embargo. Think Samantha. Rated PG. HUMOR Kel, WAITING FOR AGENT RIGHT. Killing time in an anonymous airport. Mulder wants a toaster. Rated PG. [ go to FUGUES FICTION ARCHIVE ] Go to ARCHIVED FICTION UPDATES: 04.09.06 - 09.30.06 >> Includes Pretty Icon Collective for those entries |