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For easy navigation, click on the bookmarked categories listed on the left hand side. Descriptions of categories are listed under each category in the main body. OTHER FUGUES FICTION RECOMMENDATIONS: THE X-FILES | HARRY POTTER: BEYOND YEAR SEVEN |
back to MAIN FICTION CATEGORIES CLASSICS MEDICAL CASEFILES A DAY IN THE HOSPITAL ON PAIN, PAIN MANAGEMENT, AND OTHER CHRONIC MALADIES INTRODUCING...(THIRD PERSON NARRATIVES) DREAMS & INTROSPECTION PRE-HOUSE BEYOND RATIONALITY: ALTERNATE REALITY & FANTASY FLEXING THE SARCASM MUSCLE: WIT & HUMOR Unless otherwise noted, all stories link offsite. This archive/listing is a spin-off of FUGUES FICTION ARCHIVE: THE X-FILES EDITION, which started as a personal list/archive of my favorite stories, made conveniently accessible on any computer connected to the internet. Each story added here is notable for high quality writing, well-formed plot, and engaging narrative. Not all stories here are personal favorites. I do add stories that I am ambivalent towards, because others may enjoy them more than I do. At this point, I am not adding smut-centered stories, crack!fic, or meta to this archive. This archive is updated and added-to regularly. Please visit FICTION ARCHIVE UPDATES for lists of newly-added stories. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or would like to have your story removed from this listing, please email me at foxestacado@gmail.com To leave general feedback or recommend a story, please post a comment here. Livejournal membership is not required. POLICY ON RATINGS, SPOILERS & WIPs This listing uses the G - NC17 rating system. I assign an appropriate rating for unrated stories, or stories using a different rating system. This listing assumes you have watched all released episodes. There are no spoilers for upcoming, unreleased episodes. This listing does not specify whether a story is a WIP (work-in-progress). |
CLASSICS My personal favorites, or what I consider to be "epics" in the House-fic universe. An epic tragedy. "He laughed silently and hysterically: He was a human piano of pain. House the human piano of pain." House/Wilson/Cuddy friendship. Rated R for violence. “The man is blind and crippled. How on earth did he manage to escape?” Cuddy threw her hands up in her trademark Houseian exclamation of frustration. “Oh forget I said that. This is House. We will probably find him halfway up Everest.” House/Wilson/Cuddy friendship. Rated PG-13. KidsNurse, THE DEVIL YOU SAY, BATTLING THE DEMONS, THE DEVIL'S IN THE DETAILS, HOUR: A SERIES OF VIGNETTES, THE MORE THINGS CHANGE "When he's finished he stays there for two full minutes, fingers at House's wrist, eyes on his chest, monitoring his pulse and respirations. He's pleased with the numbers. He stands, takes his cellphone from his pocket, and reluctantly types in a text to Cuddy. Just three words, but she'd understand it and come as soon as she could, and he'll fill in the details when she arrives. He looks at the message, their agreed-upon code, and presses 'send'. 'House is down.'" A massive three-part trilogy on pain, friendship, and comfort. House/Wilson/Cuddy friendship. Rated PG-13. Namaste, TRACKING TIME: The Beginning (1997), 1998, 1999, 2000, April 2001, October 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 "House made the time for a long run next time he saw Wilson on the track, this time running with him, rather than in competition. When their conversation veered effortlessly from favorite routes to preferred spots to filch coffee with sidetracks into pop culture, he was satisfied. When Wilson threw out a quick, but thorough, comparison between Pearl Jam and Black Flag, he was pleased. When the younger doctor kept up his end as the conversation turned to the history of supporting the arts through all its twists and turns, House believed he was actually happy." A year-by-year look at House and Wilson's friendship and how it developed. House/Wilson friendship. Rated PG-13. [Return to Fiction Categories] MEDICAL CASEFILES The Diagnostics Team cracks medical mysteries, where the case-file is primary to pain, substance abuse, relationships, angst, etc. This category includes diagnosis-centered stories where the patient is a major/minor character in the series. Bellsie, THIN LINES AND ALIBIS There were thin lines that he had crossed and alibis they had told and House was not sure what to believe. Rated PG. A patient with unheardof symptoms rolls into Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital one night. The hospital is quarantined and the team struggles to solve the case... and get along with each other at the same time. Rated PG-13. Cameron/Chase. '"Apparently I could give Satan a run for his money. Chase has already consulted an exorcist. And he has an astronomer on standby."" House/Wilson. Rated PG-13. "'I'm suddenly deeply disturbed by the image of armies of House-drones marching out the doors of Princeton-Plainsboro wielding canes and sarcasm and prepared to take over the world of medicine.'" House/Wilson. Rated R. euchrid eucrow, OBJECTS IN MOTION You can't always get what you want...but lies and sabotage make a pretty good start. Cameron moves on. House is passive aggressive. Wilson is amused. And they say romance is dead. Too bad about the patients, though. Rated PG-13. Goddess of Heather, THE INNER CHILD "'Okay people, twenty-six year old male, sudden reduction in stature and maturity, making him act and appear twelve years old.'" Rated PG. Sequel: CHILDHOOD REDUX Griffin, L.M., DIAGNOSIS: WILSON Wilson gets more than he bargained for when he lets the ducklings diagnosis him. Rated PG. Jason McLaughlin, aka A Guy Named Goo, DISSOCIATION House returns to work and treats a teenage girl whose blackouts lead her to violent and self-destructive behavior. Also, House ignores repeated orders to see a psychiatrist, and in the clinic, a little boy has a bloody nose. Rated PG-13 There was more to Chase's decision to go to Vogler than trying to keep his job. Afterward it's all over his guilt won't let him stay quiet anymore. What has Chase been hiding from House? Rated PG. Katling, INFECTIOUS PERSONALITIES House faces two challenges. A strange new case involving a rather horrifying set of symptoms and a change in direction in his relationship with Wilson. House/Wilson relationship. Rated NC17. Sequels: TOXIC LIVES, STANDING ETHICS. mara, CHANGE IS THE ONLY CONSTANT "Cuddy looked at him with her usual long-suffering expression. 'What's this about you refusing to treat Bruce Wayne? He's offering the hospital a lot of money and this time nobody's asking you to endorse a drug.'" Batman/Bruce Wayne cross-over. Rated PG. ""You're not wearing a wedding ring,' House recited, closing his eyes in irritation. 'Granted, not every married man does, and you're certainly enough of a bastard to be the esteemed Mr. Knowles. But given the shoddy quality of the suit you're wearing, or rather the suit that's wearing you, as well as the fact that you are actually wearing a polyester tie, I'm dubious of the veracity of your claim.' He paused. 'In other words: Liar, liar, pants on fire. Care to tell me why you're so interested in that file?"" Rated R. "It was the drugs talking, James told himself, pushing back the instinctive hurt and betrayal. He and Michael had been more than brothers; they’d been friends. 'Let me help you get clean and then I promise I’ll leave you alone. For the rest of your life, if you want.'" Rated R. After treating a man with a mysterious aliment, Cameron becomes a patient herself, prompting House to reevaluate his actions. Rated PG-13. mossley, VICTIMS OF CIRCUMSTANCE Quarantined in the clinic, House and his team try to find out what’s wrong with a comatose young woman. Rated PG-13. nieded, TIDAL WAVES AND WHISPERS "He finds it hard to be religious. There are few things he lays his faith on anymore, and it leaves him desperate and starved for some sort of reassurance. He lost two patients this week, two patients who had been God-trusting and believing up until the very last minute of their waking lives. But in that last moment, he watched when their eyes grew wide and their jaws slack." Rated PG A series of bizarre incidents culminating in a grisly murder have people terrified of a local superstition, the Jersey Devil. When the very odd Special Agent Pendergast becomes House's patient he finds himself in the thick of the mystery. Rated PG-13. PWCorgigirl, CEASE NOT 'TIL DEATH Need. Lies. Guilt. Isolation. They made a circle without end. Rated PG-13. House treats a girl with something inhuman, Wilson tries to ignore the obvious with both the new case and what he feels, Chase is kidnapped by a cannibal with a fetish for blond guys, and everyone else tries to hold off the apocalypse. House/Wilson. Rated PG-13. Sagga Bott, WORLD MORE FULL OF WEEPING, A "He'd come with the intention of mockery. Y'know, a couple of barbs here and there. He hadn't been sure if he'd go the obvious 'dropping the soap' route but when would he ever have a chance like this again? One of his fellows was in jail. Not the black one. He'd already been incarcerated so that was nothing new. And it wasn't the girl. He couldn't imagine girl prisons being that bad anyway. No, it was the youngest one, the foreigner and charged with a double murder no less." Rated R. '"No, you didn't,' replied House. 'You came here to prove to me what fine doctors you are.' He set his coffee down on the table and dropped into a chair, wincing at the ache in his leg. 'Chase thinks he can prove it by sucking up to me no matter how much crap I dish out. Cameron thinks she can prove it by becoming best friends with every patient we treat, and you think you can prove it by continually questioning my judgment. But the only thing that proves is that he's spineless, she's unprofessional, and you're an idiot.' He sipped the coffee again, untroubled by Foreman's glare." Rated PG. The team has to diagnose a rapidly deteriorating blue baby. Meanwhile House receives very bad news. Minor character death. Rated PG-13. [Return to Fiction Categories] A DAY IN THE HOSPITAL Just good banter, verbal jousting, antics around the hospital. May include a medical casefile, but is not the focus of the story. "The nurse at the clinic intake desk looked up, startled. Whether it was by the appearance of House or Foreman was hard to tell. She'd noticed that House had been gone for a few weeks and had assumed he was on vacation. Quite frankly, it had been a vacation for her and the other nurses as well. Doctors in general could be hard to deal with on a daily basis but House had the rest of them beat. Everyone knew he hated working in the clinic; they knew because he told them everytime he walked through the door and announced his arrival to whoever the poor soul was working the desk. He'd then take a folder, grumble something under his breath, and head for the assigned exam room. Now he had a partner, who looked equally unhappy to be there." Rated PG. angelgazing, SHOOTING PEOPLE FOR THEIR CARS "Wilson, hands planted firmly on his hips in his I am a doctor and you will take me seriously pose, is at House's elbow, trying to glare. The pose doesn't work well without the lab coat, and really, the glare never works. House knows for a fact that Wilson's got a couple of patients under the age of three who laugh when he looks at them that way." Rated PG. Love is an illness of attrition. It wears away at immune defenses and prolonged exposure to the source strips the insulation from the nerves until you're nothing but mangled synapses, live wires crackling and sparking, the scent of carbon scorching your sinuses. House/Cameron. Rated PG. When a clinic patient presents with a bizarre condition, it means House fighting for something no one ever thought he would. Rated PG-13. drworm, KAYSER-FLEISCHER RINGS "And there is, simply put, nothing mild about Gregory House’s cynicism; it would have sparkled, had he ever found the time or energy to give it a decent polishing. But that is, in fact, the problem: he is the one finding it harder and harder to move in his own self-designated orbit, to find the energy to care about the things he had cared about years before. And there is no use blaming his problems on that vast lump of rock they all call home; it won’t argue back, for one, which he finds very inconsiderate. It’s no fun blaming something that doesn’t try to defend itself." Rated PG. "That night they worked late, even Foreman, who wasn’t rostered on. By the morning, they’d narrowed down four likely etiologies and corresponding treatments. Cameron had also fallen asleep on the table in the lounge. Chase sloped off to the on-call room. Grumpily, Foreman went to check on their official patient." Rated PG. Elixie, PINKIE STICKIES AND SHRODINGER'S CAT "Next came the bugs. Not real ones, he didn't want Cuddy deducting for exterminators from his pay. He found realistic fake ones. Aside from a squeak when she found the first one and a scream from Cameron since it was flung in her direction, she merely started shaking out the folders before she opened them. House had to admit the sight of Cameron almost flying across the room screaming was fun, though." Rated PG. Light House/Wilson. House isn't quite the devious mastermind he thinks he is. Sequel to LOST CAUSES and SAME AS IT EVER WAS. House/Wilson relationship. Rated PG-13. "She ignored him and walked out to meet Connelly by the administration desk, where a few of the nurses had been entertaining him. Her beat was a little slow, but eventually she met the tall man and placed the files she'd been carrying on the counter. She pressed her hand to her stomach once more, but Connelly didn't notice, neither did the nurses, and making herself presentable again, Cuddy turned and began to walk away with the man." Rated PG-13. Harem, STUCK IN THE MIDDLE WITH YOU Imagine being stuck in an elevator with House for six hours, now imagine that's the least of your problems. Rated PG. House enjoys the company of a patient- obviously signaling the apocalypse, Wilson is getting a divorce, Chase is falling head over heals, Foreman's thinking of leaving the team and Cameron's sister has cancer. At least it's not raining. Yet. Rated PG-13. What a stupid move it had been, to hope that House would not find out that he was going to the conference in Aspen. House/Wilson friendship. Rated G. "Gregory House’s life is marked by extremes of pain and numbness, curiosity and boredom. The Vicodin numbs the pain and makes the curiosity possible, but it can’t do anything to solve the boredom. He has his remedies for that malady video games, music, soap operas but the only things that consistently help are work and Wilson. Unfortunately, House’s workdays too often consist of bursts of frenetic activity interspersed with long periods of waiting. That’s where Wilson comes in." Rated G. Wilson and House enjoy a drink at the end of a difficult day. Rated G. "Satisfied you stretch your leg out and tilt your head back to contemplate the ceiling as the three of you sit there in as close to a companionable silence as you are ever likely to get. You are pretty sure you all have things that you should be dealing with but, just at the moment, it feels OK not to be doing them. In fact, just at the moment if feels OK to be doing nothing at all." Rated G. "Foreman was strictly a morning coffee drinker, and Chase rarely bothered to have any unless there was some already in the pot. By mid-afternoon Cameron would have taken it on herself to dump and clean out the pot. House had tried pointing out to her that the dregs from the last morning brew still was perfectly good to drink even hours later, but apparently she didn’t agree." Rated G. House had never liked psychology. But he discovers that it does have its uses. Rated R for language. perspi, KICKSTARTER FROM THE CLINIC 2 Hiding in plain sight works best when you don't have an accomplice. Rated PG. "It starts when House spends a solid forty minutes looking for his Xbox, he sees the Post-It note on the back of Wilson's DVD player saying: CONSIDER THIS YOUR COMEUPPANCE." Rated PG. "Cuddy corners House in his office with the determined intent of telling him to stop fucking around with his (and by proxy her) bedridden staff so that they recover faster, despite the knowledge that it's futile arguing medicine with him even on the best of days - which aren't often. She is stopped in her tracks at the sight of him sprawled in his chair, picking through two huge gift baskets that sit on his desk." Rated PG-13. sam-storyteller, SHORTEST DISTANCE, THE After losing a patient, everyone reacts differently; Foreman writes charts, Chase does Sudoku, Wilson goes to the movies, and Cameron kisses Greg House. House can't resist telling Wilson; Wilson can't resist putting his oar in; Cameron can't resist her one shot at pinning House down. House/Cameron. Rated R. stickfigurepeep, TREMENDOUS BRUNETTES Everyone has a type. Lolita returns, House was wrong, and no one has syphilis. Rated PG-13. Systemic Anomaly, AS THE WORLD TURNS She thinks she's clever. He thinks he's right. And they can always see right through each other. House/Cuddy. Rated PG. Robert Chase is stuck babysitting the six-or-so year old daughter of a paitent while House and the others bully her father into undergoing a complicated and dangerous procedure. He gets bored. Rated PG. Topaz Eyes, FORMULA FORTY-FOUR A rather hair-raising situation, with a uniquely House tint. Rated PG. [Return to Fiction Categories] RELATIONSHIP TALES Includes all pairings. Specific pairings are specified for each. Additional relationship stories can be found in other categories, where the relationship is a secondary aspect of the plot. (He sees smooth skin under his hands, slight hips and shoulders, too small to be Stacy's. He's lost track of things, somehow.) Rated PG. House/Cuddy, House/Stacy, House/other. Short. "And so here he is, a fallen man for a broken one and there’s no way to go but heartbreak, Chase is well aware of this. Cameron’s still pining and Chase can’t blame her House has taken her on the same whirlwind ride he’s on, to monster truck rallies and dinners and lunches, to the odd drink here and there. He’s just the new toy of the week. Chase briefly amuses himself with the thought that it’ll be Foreman next. " House/Chase. Rated His fingers are digging into his thigh now, but he can't tell. The burning of damaged nerves and trigger-happy synapses won't leave room for much else. But he stares ahead, trying to ignore it, because his pain can't be half of hers, he believes. Rated NC17. House/Cuddy angelgazing, THERE'S AN EPIDEMIC IN AFRICA It's coming apart at the seems, the odds are probably against them, and they don't care. Rated PG-13. House/Chase. Fill-in for "Hunting." "Deep down she knew House did care what happened to her. He’d thrown her the Kveim-Siltzbach test and his eyes had been understanding. But even deeper down she knew he didn’t care all that much." Cameron/Chase. Rated NC17. Argyle, DECONSTRUCTING THE TEXT "The symptoms were always there. You just never diagnosed them." Being a study of things seen and unseen, actions taken and not taken, souls sold and books purchased, and puzzle pieces finally found and assembled into a reasonable proximity of a coherent image. Rated R. House/Wilson. It could go on for years like this. House/Cameron. Rated PG. "There should be a vaccine for this. A salve. A pill." House/Cameron. Rated PG. Barbara Barnett, PICTURES AT AN EXHIBITION House deals with Foreman's resignation and his growing attraction to Cuddy. Rated R. Barbara Barnett, SONS AND LOVERS Sequel to PICTURES AT AN EXHIBITION. "The last time he had watched fireworks had been alone on a hilltop with Stacy. That Fourth of July, one week before the infarction changed everything. He had decided that night to propose. Make an honest woman of her, he had planned on declaring. He'd wanted to have the ring with him when he asked, or he would have asked her that night sitting on the hilltop. But a ring in hand would make less likely that she would say "no." He had it picked out the next day; and it was an absurdly romantic and expensive piece of jewelry: white-gold filigree wrapping around a one-carat perfect stone. Then everything changed. And nothing was the same ever again. And the absolute last thing House wanted to do was to go see Fourth of July fireworks, with anyone, even Cuddy, childlike eagerness in her eyes and voice. And, in the interest of trying to make whatever it was he had with Cuddy work, they went." Rated PG-13. "U2 slips through the speakers and it’s all you can do not to cry. You’ve been here before and it’s over and over the same story again. Experimentation leads not to an unknown destination but to the same one. Hypotheses are tested and concluded to be false. Life goes on and it spins and spins away." House/Cameron. Rated R. She had images seared into her brain from different times in her life. This image, she knew, would join those ranks of battle- and time-tested memories. House/Cameron. Rated PG-13 Bellsie, SIMPLE TWIST OF FATE, A He was drowning in the wind and her, while the silence cut the air more than any of his biting remarks every could. House/Cameron. Rated R. The stars bore witness to the sinners burying their sins in makeshift confessionals throughout the quiet hospital. House/Cameron. Rated PG. Bellsie, SO THIS IS YOUR SCRAP OF DIGNITY "He’s weak, but he covers that. He has to or else they’ll all take advantage of him. The cane bears the sign: 'take advantage of me! (oh, and pity me later.)' If he doesn’t put up his façade of strength then he’ll never make it. How can she ever understand that?" House/Cameron. PG-13 Cameron and her thoughts. House/Cameron. Rated PG. "Wilson looked as her deft fingers caressed the star-shaped emerald. Julie hated emeralds, he remembered; she preferred rubiesfiery, passionate, and expensive. Emeralds, he remembered were prized for their amazing green color. They were tangibly weakest of the precious gems, but intangibly the strongest." Wilson/Cuddy. Rated PG-13. cirrocumulus, SCIENTIFIC METHOD, THE "He was constantly analyzing the world around him, trying to puzzle out its secrets and solve its mysteries; but this was all external. House picked apart the world, but his own mind was a terrain he felt best left alone. Dissecting one's own psyche was impossible to do with objectivity, and without objectivity came faulty observations, which yielded undependable conclusions." Rated PG. cobweb_diamond, BACKGROUND NOISE Wilson waits for House to wake up after the shooting. House/Wilson. Rated PG "She often thought to herself that she liked the way he looked in her bed, the way he looked in her house. He eased in with the walls and furniture as if he had been there all time, and if she blinked, she could forget he was there." Rated PG-13. Wilson/Cuddy Wilson is stuck in a life he no longer wants to be in. House/Wilson relationship. Rated PG-13. daasgrrl, LE CHATLIER'S PRINCIPLE "Wilson cooks for both of them. It's almost a condition of his visits now. Tonight it's nothing fancy; pasta with chicken in a red sauce, green salad, and pie (bought) for dessert. Wilson brings the ingredients, and does the cooking, and House provides the ambience, such as it is. It's not too bad a trade-off, and Wilson doesn't mind doing it, especially since he usually makes a point of leaving the dishes for House to wash up after he's gone. Since Grace left for Florence, he's been spending more time at House's place than ever." Rated NC17. House/Wilson, Wilson/Chase Guess who's coming to dinner! For three days straight! Rated PG-13. House/Wilson. Dee Laundry, JUST SHORT OF A BOTTLE OF MAKER'S MARK AND A SHOTGUN Necessity Is the Mother of Invention of Love. Rated PG-13. House/Wilson. " She introduced herself as Stacy. The name smacked of a pseudonym, but Wilson was inclined to believe her--she looked too successful and too classy to be picking up younger men in a bar with a fake name. She was older than him by at least ten years, but good-looking, with dark hair and eyes and a bright, sultry smile. Everything about her told him what she was looking for--James had already grown adept at reading people, at being able to tell the desperate, lonely ones from the ones looking for one night, and Stacy was not the former. " Rated NC17. House/Stacy/Wilson. Chase dares the rain to walk home, because he's having car troubles and has missed the bus (so he thinks). Rated PG-13. House/Chase. "He shakes his head, disappointed in himself, in his inability to apologize properly to the person who most deserves it. Apologies are not something he has much practice with, but she's one of the few people who merit one." Rated PG-13. House/Cuddy. Post-Finding Judas. Short Enlee, WAITING IS THE HARDEST PART Cuddy is going out of town and House doesn't like it. Rated R. House/Cuddy. Long. '"I'm an idiot.' House looked away as a rueful smiled crossed his face. He wasn't that big an idiot. He knew they'd have other arguments, maybe even the same one. And they'd deal with it like they always did, by pretending it hadn't happened. Or if it had happened, pretending it didn't matter. He turned back to Wilson. 'Then again, you're an idiot, too. We either learn to deal with our mutual idiocy or we walk away right now. I don't give up that easy.'" House/Wilson. Rated PG-13. Sequel to LOST CAUSES, SAME AS IT EVER WAS, and REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY Viewing Wilson as her main obstacle to House, Cameron decides to remove said 'obstacle'. Rated PG. House/Wilson As Wilson loses his sight, some things are easier to see. Rated PG-13 Cameron watches. House/Wilson pre-slash. Rated PG. Gigi Sinclair, MARRIAGE A TROIS "Julie hadn't cared. She'd been caught up in a whirlwind romance with a handsome young doctor, the kind of relationship she'd only seen in sappy movies and the daytime TV her mother watched. She'd never expected it to happen to her; she'd never expected to meet anyone like James. She was a realistic, modern woman and she thought of herself as a feminist; she'd certainly never relied on any man for anything before. Still, even with one failed marriage under her belt, she couldn't wait for the ceremony that would turn her into Mrs. Dr. James Wilson, even as she mentally pictured the horrified expressions of her university women's studies professors." Wilson/Julie. Rated PG. greensilver, THREE MARRIAGES AND ONE GUITAR "It would've been been classic House to get James to bet on the duration of his own marriage, and James wasn't going to fall for it. He wasn't going to deck House, either, though that was an incredibly tempting idea. One close-fisted punch, and all talk of divorce would've been over. Marital relations would probably have improved, too, without House popping by to antagonize the wife and drink James' scotch. He couldn't actually hit House, but he could at least give as good as he was getting, and he had plenty of one-liners on hand for just such an occasion, really barbed comebacks he could never bring himself to use on a day-to-day basis. Their day had finally arrived, and he was ready to let House have it." Rated G. Wilson/women, House friendship. hi_falootin, PORTIONS FOR FOXES A race where the stakes are...House? Chase's preference for girly cigarettes? A deus ex-machina in the form of (really) bad sex?! Yeah, it's all here. The legend of Chase and Cameron, how they learned to stop worrying and...keep their jobs. Cameron/Chase. Rated R. hihoplastic, THIS CANNOT END WELL "He's not jealous, but it all makes sense now. One night yes, one night no. The reason (lodged in complaints and frustrations and confusions and one itty bitty desire one hope beyond hope that she simply couldn't quell (and didn't want to)) all too obvious by the look in her eyes." House/Cuddy. Rated R What if Cameron's conversation at the end of "Insensitive" was with Wilson instead of Chase? Rated R. Wilson/Cameron. jadesfire2808, YOURS, MINE, HIS Every story has three sides. Yours, mine and the facts. Foster M. Russell. There's always more than one way of looking at things. Rated PG-13. Julia Bohemian, A HIERARCHY OF NEEDS House's attempt to get a little more out of life ends up reaping more benefits than he expected. House/female other. Rated R. "She takes it all into herself. She didn't expect this; he was the lighter half of the contrast in terms, him and House. Wilson was supposed to be the gentle one, loving and tender." Wilson/Cameron. Rated R. Laura Smith, CHAPTER AND VERSE The past is prologue. Wilson/Cuddy. Rated NC17 Cuddy's on a date, Wilson's depressed, and House just wants to watch TV. Rated PG. Short. "Wilson glances at the piano as he returns from the kitchen with two more beers. The keyboard cover is closed, but no dust sullies the polished wood. It has been played recently, then, or at least it has been cared for. " Wilson/Julie, House/Wilson friendship. Rated R. MilkshakeButterfly, FIVE DAYS A WEEK Five ways the ducklings didn't find out about House and Wilson. House/Wilson. Rated PG-13 "Wilson bought it after his first divorce. His second wife finally discovered it in the basement of their brownstone about a year into their marriage; she proceeded to needle him about how sexy he must look while he's working out and how much she'd like to watch him sometime, until he snapped and told her that he never used it anymore. She backed off, and he didn't go near the bag until she moved out." Wilson/his wives. Rated PG-13. Wilson has an anniversary, House is hiring, and someone's been drawing in the snow. Wilson/Julie, House/Wilson friendship. Rated PG-13. "An understated smolder nurtures your chest into an impulsive pile of embers as you continue reading. Specifically, the stone is known as a heliotrope. According to medieval legend, it provides invisibility to the wearer." Rated R. House/Wilson "A small part of House was grateful for Wilson's crumbled marriages. It made him less heroic, a sort of Pyrrhic victor. He was like the Phillies over the last couple years: starting out the season great, then choking at the end of it." House/Wilson. Rated PG Namaste, EIGHT DAYS, EIGHT MONTHS: August, September, October, November, December, January, February, March "Four days after his return home, he was still waiting for it to feel like home again." House/Stacy. Rated PG-13. Wilson sins, House wants to know why. Rated PG-13. Short. nigeltde, LIES, DAMN LIES, AND STATISTICS "Wilson turned up to help out with his case eighteen times. Cameron gave Wilson fourteen of her patented sympathetic smiles. Wilson complimented Cameron nine times. Foreman and Chase gossiped about them twice." Wilson/Cameron, House/Wilson. Rated R. nightdog_barks, LETTERS OF TRANSIT Wilson is Wilson, no matter where or when. House/Wilson. Rated PG. Otter, MOMENTARY LAPSE OF REASON, A "The hell of it is, House actually likes Julie, at least as much as he likes anybody, which is to say that he finds her tolerable." House/Wilson. Rated PG-13. It's not a competition but there's a certain something that has always been going on between them. Rated PG-13. House/Wilson, House/Cameron. A story told in ties. House/Wilson. Rated PG. "James Wilson intrigues you even before you meet him, because he sounds genuinely surprised when he gets your call; given his reputation, you’d have thought half the hospitals on the East Coast would be pursuing him. When he comes in to meet you, he’s good looking in an unstudied, unpolished way, with his puppy-dog brown eyes, unruly fringe, and schoolboy ties, and despite his impressive clinical experience, you get a sense of a man who has yet to make his mark. But you hire him anyway, because you have a good feeling about him, and besides, while PPTH is on the up, you’re not exactly beating top oncologists off with a shovel just yet." Wilson/Cuddy. Character death. Rated NC17. Companion piece to ENDGAME From House/Cameron perspective. "You try to remember a time without pain. In the endless hours of silence after everyone else in the building has gone to sleep, you can bring to mind all sorts of things about your late thirties, but you cannot capture the absence of pain." House/Cameron. Rated NC17. Also: BETWEEN THE LINES, from Wilson/Cuddy perspective. Also: Companion piece, THROUGH A GLASS, DARKLY The last thing she wanted was to come home to a dark, empty house. Rated PG. House/Cuddy. Prufrock, HOW HOUSE MET WILSON "House has, over the years, heard that he and Wilson met during a thirty-car pileup on the turnpike, where he was impressed by a young doctor heroically rescuing passengers from their flaming vehicles. Sometimes, he and Wilson meet while waiting to meet with Cuddy on their first day at hospital, although anybody who does their research will know this is obviously wrong. The rarest and most delicious stories always involve sextheories which House is in no rush to disabuse anybody of." House/Wilson, House/female other. Rated R. "Out of the corner of his eye he saw Cameron drifting back to her place at the table. Once more she'd brought him coffee, without thanks or even acknowledgment -- much the same way she answered his mail, organized his case files, and handled several other administrative chores that he couldn't be bothered to do himself. Three years ago he'd been curious to know how long it would take for her to give up, especially once he made it plain that he wasn't going to repay her in the emotional currency she craved; but apparently the answer to that question was the same as the answer to the question of when Wilson would stop paying for House's lunch: never. " Rated PG-13. House/Cameron. Sabotini, Rachael, THE MANLY ART OF HOME REPAIR As days went, this one pretty much sucked as far as House was concerned, and bright light was just an insult on top of that. Rated NC17. sam_storyteller, SHORTEST DISTANCE, THE After losing a patient, everyone reacts differently; Foreman writes charts, Chase does Sudoku, Wilson goes to the movies, and Cameron kisses Greg House. House can't resist telling Wilson; Wilson can't resist putting his oar in; Cameron can't resist her one shot at pinning House down. Rated R. House/Cameron. sam_storyteller, SYNCHRONICITY Dead patients, car wrecks, drug overdoses, journalists, Comatose Charlie, and orange chicken. Must be love. House/Wilson. Rated R. "He is ignoring the someone and not looking at him directly. In which respect, the someone is very like the Sun, but (hopefully) smaller and (hopefully) less bright and (very hopefully) less inclined to turn him into a nice pile of ash when it gets a spare moment. The corners of his eyes tell him that the someone is blonde and young, and may or may not be a man, and that the ceiling is darker than he remembers (total solar eclipse) and that he should maybe stop thinking in extended metaphors if he wants to be able to make friends at the next oncology dinner. The stars are just an anchor, or an illusion, or a dead illusion, and we were born from them and so are we just the same? Oh, by the way, hi, I'm James Wilson, I spend an inordinate amount of time with bald people." Wilson/Chase. Rated R. Wilson finds himself spending more and more time with House. Rated R. House/Wilson simple__man, ALL OVER BUT THE CRYING "'A spilled drink in a bad place' is what the napkin says, apropos of nothing. What does it mean, House's traitorous mind wants to know, even as he tosses it into the wastebasket. He continues his rifling of Jimmy's papers and personal belongings, sorting everything into neat little piles of this and that, and all the while his brain is churning away, tumbling various clues over and over and over in his mind, trying to make some sense of it." House/Wilson relationship. Character death. Rated PG. Jealousy is an extremely efficient motivator. Wilson has panic attacks. House is a world-famous diagnostician. And random patient guy has disgustingly-perfect abs. Rated PG. House/Wilson House juggles three intriguing cases, a wobbling romance, and the reappearance of an old flame on his way to answering his biggest mystery: What does he really want, anyway? House/Cameron. Rated PG-13. After their fellowships end, what happens to the ducklings - and their mentors? Chase/Foreman. Rated G. stickmarionette, TRUE LOVE AND OTHER CATASTROPHES Cameron's in love, House appears to be conducting an experiment in relationships, and Wilson doesn't understand. House/Wilson, House/Cameron. Rated PG-13. "The minions returned before House could reply, and he caught the glance Foreman shot at Wilson. It was distinct for its tinge of concern, and Wilson’s warm look in return made House feel jealous and petty. He turned back to the whiteboard now that all the necessaries were present, even if they didn’t have the most recent CSF test results, and went over the symptoms again. Wilson threw in a few suggestions, none of them cancer-related, and House had to wonder why, exactly, he’d wanted Wilson in for a consult. Though it had turned out interestingly." Wilson/Foreman. Rated PG. Stacy left once. House isn't letting it happen the same way again. Rated PG-13. House/Stacy, Stacy/Mark Warner. A series of vignettes that take House and Stacy’s relationship as their focal point. Set during and after that relationship. House/Wilson friendship. Rated PG-13. A look at distance, when it’s needed and when it’s not, in the early days of an established relationship between House and Wilson. Hurt/Comfort. Rated PG-13. "The part of him that Stacy had killed, that would never heal, that urged him to flee from any admission that would bring him closer to someone elseespecially someone he lovedhadn’t surfaced from the flood of endorphins yet. But if he really thought Wilson would hurt him, he would have stopped talking long ago." Established House/Wilson. Rated R. Sy Dedalus, PERILS OF COMING HOME EARLY, THE What if Wilson was still there when House got home from his date with Cameron? House/Wilson. Rated NC17. Sy Dedalus, RED SKY AT MORNING "A Vicodin after the rugby match and another before the local news, in addition to a lengthy sojourn on his back with his leg properly supported, had calmed him. He was nearly asleep, comfortable with his mood elevated slightly by hydrocodone, when someone knocked clearly and distinctly on his door." House/Stacy. Rated NC17 Systemic Anomaly, DRESSED TO KILL They never say ‘I love you’ at the office. They don’t have to, and there’s too much there to lose. But sometimes: there are the moments they exist outside the world. House/Cuddy. Rated NC17. Gregory House can't stand Lisa Cuddy. But just sometimes, he remembers that he loves her. House/Cuddy. Rated PG-13. Red. It's red he remembers from that moment on: the red of her dress, the scarlet fire of last-minute flowers. Red, like that lipstick she wears that drives him insane, like the printed tabs on the folders she'd handed him what seemed like a lifetime ago. House/Cuddy. Rated PG-13. What's really going on with all those phone calls? Rated R. House/Wilson. Cameron returns to the Diagnostic Team and Princeton-Plainsboro after a three year absence with a daughter. House/Cameron. Rated PG-13. temet_nosce, SPELLBOUND AND SWALLOWED Beneath his fingertips he can feel blood, warm and essential, coursing through her veins. "You leave me absolutely exhausted." Rated PG. House/Cameron. usomitai, IT TAKES TWO TO TANGO Wilson is acting strange, which sets off House's curiosity. Rated NC17. House/Wilson vanillafluffy, CONFRONTING THE DANCING BEAR "There's a lamp on the bedside table beyond her, and in its 40-watt glow, you study her thoughtfully. Her profile makes you think of an old cameo your mother had, carved with delicate precision and the same soft ivory skin tones. What have you, done, oh God, what have you done? This is the first time you've gotten together outside of the hospital. Being this close to someone is scary. You have a strong desire to ease out of bed and bolt, but you don't want to risk disturbing her." Rated PG-13. Chase/Brenda. [Return to Fiction Categories] COTTAGE MILLING Stories focused on the Diagnostic Team underlings. House, Wilson, Cuddy, and/or other characters may be involved in a supporting role. "Chase made the mistake of telling House that his father owned a yacht. He'd almost winced in anticipation before House started talking about rum and pirate wenches, and then smiled in spite of himself, like he always does. Like now: some poor kid whose body is rebelling against him, and Chase knows it's something interesting because House has that glint in his eye, that same sharp insult on the tip of his tongue. Lively, now." Rated PG-13. "Death is not a gentleman, death is a boy: death hands him his coffee and tells him about how the patient crashed last night, death closes glass doors with care." Rated PG-13. As she thinks out her life-story, Allison realizes exactly how far the damage runs. Rated PG. Fellows come and go, but Chase always remains. Rated PG. AnnieHow, ISN'T TURNABOUT FAIR PLAY? If House was ill then his ducklings would be entitled to break into his apartment, right? Well, to put it simply, no. Rated PG. Athenae, WHAT BLACK MAGIC CAN DO "When the little girl dies House forbids them to take on any children for the next six months. " Rated R. elliestories, WAITING FOR THE 196 "He tried to remember the last trip he'd taken with his mother." Rated G. Foreman-centric. Short. "She stayed through the tests, the many visits to the MRI room, the neurological consults, the needles, on his arms, his back, his hands. She stayed even when the smell of his father's cologne had faded from the hospital room, when his family stopped calling again, when the few friends he had, convinced that he would be okay, stopped dropping by with flowers and boring magazines. She stayed, and each time that he opened his eyes and saw her there he felt nothing but gratitude and pure agony." Post-Euphoria 1/2. Rated PG. Cameron takes a dare, House takes it badly, and Wilson has second thoughts about pocket protectors. Rated PG-13. Post-Euphoria. Foreman hopes that a visit home will help him make sense of what happened to him. Rated G. Just how did Chase manage to make it where no other fellow had gone before. Rated G. Perpetual Motion, NOT-STARING CONTEST "He tries not to stare at her. It’s rude, and it’s unprofessional, and while he may have a crush, he’s a grown man who has the ability to keep himself in line." Cameron/Chase. Rated PG. No one stayed that close to House without possessing something unyielding. Cameron discovered hers. Rated PG-13. Foreman's thoughts during "Autopsy." He trusts himself, and after that, he trusts you. Rated G. The hiring of the Ducklings, through Chase's point of view. Rated G. Vogler is gone, and Chase is reaping what he has sown. Mild House/Chase. Rated PG-13. "The body of the email was two words: Tell Robert." Rated PG-13. supacat, SIX WAYS OF LOOKING AT CHASE "Chase was early. This was not remarkable: Chase had a certain School Captain punctuality that matched his academic history and his clothing. Chase was a complete package reliably advertised by his smile. House found this fascinating and implausible. None of the others were early." Rated PG. [Return to Fiction Categories] CONVERSATION PIECES Stories centered on witty banter and conversation. amelia_kay, INTELLIGENT DESIGN After that faith healer ends up being not so miraculous, Chase, Cameron and Foreman discuss the divine. Rated PG. Wilson discovers House actually has a spare mattress. Rated PG-13. "Wilson had pulled the plastic key card out of his pocket while digging for the keys to his car. House had immediately snatched it from him and waved it in his face, as if it were evidence of a crime." Rated G. House/Wilson friendship. daasgrrl, WAITING FOR MR. BECKETT "WILSON: What’s the differential diagnosis for waking up as a giant bug, anyway?" Rated G. "'Am I allowed to have a Jolly Rancher, or is that too creepy for you?'" Rated PG. ducks-in-a-row, EVERY TOM, DICK, AND GREG '"They're hookers, not vampires. Besides, that's not the kind of score I was talking about.' House pulled three tickets from his breast pocket and waved them in front of his face. 'Tickets to the game tomorrow night. Box seats and a suite at the Plaza. All expenses paid.' Rated PG. Valentine's Day, and House, Wilson, and Cuddy are in a diner. Rated PG. "Wilson appeared in House's office after the chaos subsided from Clarence's return to prison. A bottle sat on the desk, nowhere near full, but not quite empty." Rated PG. ignipes, NOCTURNE IN GREY AND GOLD A piano, a motorbike, a river, a few telephone calls, fifty cents gone for good, and one late-night conversation about the lies our forefathers told us. Rated PG-13 '"Mongolian beef, fried rice, and egg rolls.' House collapsed against the cushions of his sofa, tapping his chopsticks thoughtfully against the takeout container. 'That's what the three wise men brought to baby Jesus.'" Rated PG. Let us never speak of this again. Rated PG. Missing scene for the episode, "Needle in a Haystack." Rated G. House/Wilson friendship He was building up his credit of negatives. Rated G. Campaign trail, bum legs, cripple fight, best friends. Rated PG-13. House/West Wing cross-over. The night brings a last conversation between the dying old researcher and an unexpected visitor. Rated PG. Post-Informed Consent. '"I don’t know. I think I expected things in Africa to be grim. I don’t think that they’re prepared to see the things that I saw in a third-world country, against the backdrop of Wal-Mart and Bank of America. There’s something very wrong with an entire geographical area being wiped off the map.” House pulled into a handicapped space in the front of the bar."' Rated PG. sam-storyteller, TEN DOLLAR BET Someone thinks there's hanky panky going on at the hospital. An investigative team...investigates. House/Wilson. Rated PG-13. "'Harry Potter. You're Harry Potter,' he said. 'You're all, we must save the world and I must suffer.'" Rated G. '"Roger that, the patient is prepped, oxygen is good, the patient is sound asleep.'" Rated PG. [Return to Fiction Categories] KRIPKE AND LEWIS: ON PAIN, PAIN MANAGEMENT, AND OTHER CHRONIC MALADIES A veritable cesspool of pain, abuse, and trauma. About or dealing with pain, pain management, addiction, illness, accidents, psychological disorders, self-destructive behavior, and/or emotional and physical abuse. Usually also associated with friendship and/or relationship. Can also involve therapy and counseling. A Day With House in Drug Rehab. Short. Rated PG. 2ndary-author, PAIN CHRONICLES, THE "House is drawn to Diprofaxon for all the same reasons he'd be drawn to a new sports car: it's small, brightly-colored, German, and dangerous. The newest model in every sense, it's featured in the Experimental Treatment column in the European Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding that House is reading when Stacy walks into the kitchen one morning. She recognizes the distinctive green cover. All through his long recuperation, she'd ferried his many subscriptions to the hospital and then brought them home again, unread. Now he reads them at night, plowing through hundreds of closely-spaced pages in the wee hours. Physical therapy wipes him outhe comes home exhausted, picks at dinner, and falls asleep by 10:00 PM without saying goodnight. Later, Stacy will slowly, gently ease herself down next to him, daring herself to reach across the five-inch ocean of rumpled sheet that separates them. She falls asleep listening to his breathing and wakes up in the middle of the night to find him gone. Insomnia is a well-documented side-effect of vicodin, and Greg was never a sound sleeper at the best of times." House/Stacy, Rated R. "His few patients who were new to the center had responded to the inviting atmosphere he'd created, investigating the toys (some of the adults, as well as the children), and developing rapport. But the ones he'd inherited from Luerssen, they all came in, briefly took in the changes, sat in the seat closest to the one where Luerssen's wooden chairs had been, and waited numbly for Temas to begin. He felt bad about thinking of them as zombies, even in the privacy of his own mind, but the images was disturbingly appropriate. All were compliant, as long as his suggestions didn't require any initiative on their parts." Sequel to DIY Sheep's WEIRD CREEPY STORY House is attacked by a clinic patient. House/Cuddy/Wilson friendship. Rated R. amazonqueenkate and subluxate, BELOW THE SURFACE "In the fifteen years they’d known one another, Wilson had seen the disaster that was Greg House work his magic in all realms of being. His apartment resembled a war zone, his car could probably be declared a state of emergency, his personal life laid in shambles around his feet. Two wives had cited House as one of the back-breaking camel straws, and Wilson figures the first one would have if she’d only had the opportunity to meet him." Post-No Reason. Rated PG. Pre-Ducklings. House develops a nasty case of pneumonia. "Dilemma, but it the end embarrassment won, as human foibles often prevail even in the case of larger difficulties." House/Cuddy/Wilson friendship. Rated PG-13. "Cuddy has always been healthy, has never been hospitalised (apart from when she had her tonsils removed at age eight. Her family are all healthy). She never knew the complication until it really sunk in, until she saw House code in the ICU, until she admitted him and saw the fear and the way he clutched at straws. Doctors do that too, she realised. The injury, the awful bungling of his case, the misdiagnosis, were complications. Now, the guilt is a complication." Rated PG-13. AtreidesHeir, ADDICTS NEVER LIE "You can't keep this up forever House, he thought to himself sadly. It's only getting worse." Rated R. Missing scene from the end of Merry Little Christmas. Cuddy visits House after Wilson leaves. Rated PG-13. House undergoes the experimental Ketamine treatment. He finds an ally and more in Cuddy. Rated PG-13 to R. "Waivers, insurance forms and other paperwork took up the better part of the morning. With each form signed, House wanted less and less to be there. Locked up. Locked away. He knew what to expect: a week to detox. OD'ing on the oxy meant that he'd have to relive a lot of what he'd gone through three days earlier. But at least there'd be meds to relieve some of the withdrawal symptoms. The pain was another matter." Rated PG-13. Sequel: TRANSITIONS "The brown dog stood crouched, his long, dark head curled back over his shoulder, and watched the human from a safe distance. He was poised to run, but the pained cries had subsided for now, and the man's body had ceased its restless movements. The dog trembled in fear, but something deep in his bones kept him from beating a fast retreat from the scene. He did not know why he hesitated, and his instincts were uncertain where this phenomenon was concerned. And so he stood rooted to the spot, confused and bewildered by the fact that his legs refused to carry him either way … nearer to the injured human … or as far away as his terror could take him." Rated PG-13. "Wilson never knew quite what to think of this one thing he sometimes did for House. When he did think of it he supposed that stranger things had happened, although he could hardly imagine what they were; alien abductions and cases of spontaneous human combustion, perhaps." Rated PG. House/Wilson friendship Canuck, Janie, AN ENEMY RETURNS Vogler's back, blaming House for ruining his life and looking for payback. Rated R. Much too much; Wilson takes a break. Rated R for disturbing imagery. Dee Laundry, DROP OF WATER, THE Wilson finds sometimes there's no more room to bend. Rated R. An epic tragedy. "He laughed silently and hysterically: He was a human piano of pain. House the human piano of pain." House/Wilson/Cuddy friendship. Rated R for violence. Associated stories: DARKNESS DIY Sheep, IN THE MOUTH OF MADNESS An AU horror story that skips incorporates bits of Merry Little Christmas and picks up at the end of Words and Deeds. House does not go to jail for trafficking and fraud nor does he go into rehab before the trial. However in this story he is still done for contempt and then ordered into compulsory rehab. Rated R for sex & violence. “The man is blind and crippled. How on earth did he manage to escape?” Cuddy threw her hands up in her trademark Houseian exclamation of frustration. “Oh forget I said that. This is House. We will probably find him halfway up Everest.” House/Wilson/Cuddy friendship. Rated PG-13. DIY Sheep, NOT WITH A BANG, BUT WITH A WHIMPER "He was shabby, threadbare, uncared for. His jacket was pulled around him to guard against the cold and the rain. She recognized it. It was one from… before. She felt embarrassed. Her coat was new and gaudy. It made a mockery of his pitiful attempts to keep the elements at bay. She had bought the coat last week, attracted by its decadence and its colour. She loved bright colours. When she had worn it last week she had felt protected from the dreary depression of a rain soaked winter city. Now she just felt exposed and vulnerable." House/Cuddy friendship. Rated PG-13. "It was as though Wilson had just stopped." Rated PG. Breathing seemed to be taking up a lot of his energy at that moment. And staring. Staring and breathing. Post-infarction, recovery. House/Wilson friendship. Rated PG. euchrid eucrow, OBJECTS AT REST "He likes to surround himself with imperfection. There's something intrinsically intriguing about the damaged, the incomplete and broken." Rated PG-13. Chase collapses. "When he collapses, when he goes down in stages (his knees and then his hands and then flat out on the floor), none of them are quick enough to catch him. They don’t catch him because it’s unexpected, because it’s impossible, because things like this don’t happen. He is one of their own. Things like this do not happen to one of their own." Rated PG. His first marriage is a failure. His second isn't any better. Rated NC-17. House/Wilson. Additional warnings at story site. House without his pills and booze is annoyed. House without his Wilson is... nothing. House/Wilson. Rated R. "House did not spare a single thought to going to the girl's assistance. Instead, his most fervent desire at that moment, was to just jump on his bike and accelerate out of there. His overactive imagination detained him. Suppose he couldn't get away fast enough? What if he started his bike, alerting the attacker to his presence, and then the normally reliable engine stalled? It was a possibility; in fact, now that House was worrying about it, it was virtually guaranteed. He would be a sitting target, vulnerable and physically incapable of running away." Rated R. House/Wilson friendship. Note about the link: The link goes to part 3 of the story. Parts 1 & 2 are linked on Part 3 of the page. fayding_fast, CAMEL'S BACK and AN EVER FIXED MARK Wilson is falling. Rated PG-13 As Wilson loses his sight, some thing are easier to see. Rated PG-13. House/Wilson New pain sinks into old spaces. Rated PG-13. Short. " Stacy was gone. Wilson has holding up House by himself, and his legs were shaking. Thank God for Lisa Cuddy, because he just couldn't handle this alone. He'd cried, he'd smashed things, he'd gotten drunk. And when he stepped back into the hospital, he was responsible. He James Wilson the doctor, instead of the friend. He asked questions, he watched procedures, he explained everything to House. He requested the drugs, he fell asleep in Stacy's chair, he fought on the phone with his wife over coming home late or not coming home at all." Rated PG-13. House/Wilson friendship. Post-infarction. "He was a doctor. He didn't believe in God. He didn't believe in heaven or hell. (He was already in Hell.) He supposed that all death would be was darkness the end of existence. And as depressing as that may seem, he wanted it more than he wanted life. He wanted the relief. He wanted the end of pain, of sorrow, of anger, of disability. He had pushed himself long enough. Every man had his limits. And House was at the end of his. He was ready for the dark. He was ready for dreamless sleep. He just needed to make sure Wilson didn't follow him yet." Rated R. House/Wilson. One evening, three points of view. Wilson, Stacy and House try to come to terms with the infarction. Rated PG-13. "Now he could blame the world on his physical pain, finger the bottle of Vicodin in his pocket and wish that if it couldn't manage to make him completely forget about his leg, it could make him completely forget about everything else." Rated PG. House is involved in a motorcycle crash and is good at hiding things even when they may kill him. House/Wilson relationship. Rated PG-13. Will House risk his life to save his leg? Will Wilson support him at his time of need? House/Wilson. Rated NC17. The ketamine treatment fails. "He waited and waited for the rush of the Vicodin, but when it came it was like a small flat wave when he’d been expected a massive one he could surf on for a few hours. Something was very wrong and he knew that no matter how much he wanted to deny it, there was no way he could get through this alone, he would have to call Wilson." House/Wilson. Rated NC17. Julia Bohemian, LESSER EVIL, A House suffers a hemorrhagic stroke in the aftermath of "Human Error." Rated PG-13. Julia Bohemian, LONG AND WINDING ROAD, THE "When House reached the bathroom he checked, as quickly as humanly possible, to make sure he was alone. He let himself into the handicapped stall just in time to vomit that morning’s two cups of designer coffee into the toilet. His body possessed, jerked from somewhere within, forcing him empty until he was gasping for air. Then came the blood, so much of it that he found himself in a state of panic. As a doctor, you got used to seeing blood. Somehow it was different when it was coming out of yourself." Julia Bohemian, MORE THINGS CHANGE, THE '"No one deserves systemic MRSA, not even him,' the intern says. 'Could kill ‘im, poor bastard.”' Rated PG-13. "House looked insulted. 'I thought killing myself would put an end to the pain!' For the first time, since he’d sat down, House realized that his leg actually didn’t hurt. Probably due to whatever painkillers he’d been given for the damage to his wrists." House/Cuddy/Wilson friendship. Rated PG-13. in•dem•ni•ty 1 a : security against hurt, loss, or damage b : exemption from incurred penalties or liabilities. House/Wilson friendship. "Today, he watched their hands. He had watched their feet for months. Bad shoe choices all around. Except Chase. Probably influenced by his European-born father. He had registered a small sense of satisfaction when Foreman had started wearing the same shoes. Paid too much for them. Couldn't pull them off, but in his more expansive moments he could at least acknowledge the effort. Appreciate the gesture. The homage. The obeisance." Rated PG-13. "The dead ones come at night. Not in the usual ghostly visage, the boneless moans, the vacant groans, the rattling shutters. No, they come demanding answers. Shouting for resolution - crying for relief. They always want to know the same thing. Why. Why them, why me, why now, why, why, why?" Rated PG. House/Wilson. Note about link: This story is linked to part 7. Parts 1-7 are linked on that page. KidsNurse, THE DEVIL YOU SAY, BATTLING THE DEMONS, THE DEVIL'S IN THE DETAILS, HOUR: A SERIES OF VIGNETTES, THE MORE THINGS CHANGE "When he's finished he stays there for two full minutes, fingers at House's wrist, eyes on his chest, monitoring his pulse and respirations. He's pleased with the numbers. He stands, takes his cellphone from his pocket, and reluctantly types in a text to Cuddy. Just three words, but she'd understand it and come as soon as she could, and he'll fill in the details when she arrives. He looks at the message, their agreed-upon code, and presses ‘send’. 'House is down.'" A massive three-part trilogy on pain, friendship, and comfort. House/Wilson/Cuddy friendship. Rated PG-13. KidsNurse, PEANUT BUTTER & BLOOD House injures himself. So naturally, this requires a call to Wilson, who--naturally--rushes right over. Rated G. House/Wilson friendship. Short. House conducts an impromptu therapy session for Wilsonand ends up participating himself. Rated PG. House/Wilson friendship. KidsNurse, TRANSFUSIONS, TAMPERING, TESTS...TENDERNESS AND TRUST After the events of House's extra-rough day, Wilson plays doctor, psychiatrist--and friend. Short, quickly written tag for House episode 4.08, You Don't Want To Know. Rated PG-13. House/Wilson friendship. Short. "He likes to surround himself with imperfection; there's something intrinsically intriguing about the damaged, the incomplete and broken. The human body is his alchemy; the art of destruction, diagnosis, and rebuilding. He crafts his solutions from a series of symptoms, reconstructing puzzles from their missing pieces." Rated PG-13. After the infarction. If House thought Stacy's betrayal was crippling his leg, he is about to find out differently. Only one other person knows what she did in the dark days after the infarction. Rated PG-13. Pain is a strange bedfellow, and it had been his bedfellow and mistress for over six years. Set post No Reason. Rated PG-13. "There were days when Robert Chase hated his boss. Gregory House was a brilliant doctor, but he was a difficult person. He could be charming, amusing, and entertaining, but he could also be a right bastard when he chose - and he chose often. Chase had lived the first fifteen years of his life with a brilliant doctor, who was - coincidentally - a right bastard. He often thought that gave him an understanding of House - or at the very least, a certain degree of immunity. He wasn't blinded to House's flaws by devotion like Cameron, but nor was he blinded to his strengths by resentment like Foreman." Rated PG-13. "I asked you. The one thing I asked of you. To let me know when you finally called it quits." Rated PG. House/Wilson friendship. Wilson is exhausted, but he can't sleep. House takes charge. Rated PG. House/Wilson friendship. Two sets of 13 drabbles, one focusing on House and Wilson and their relationship with House's pain and pain meds, the other on the evolution of House and Cuddy's relationship. Rated PG. Namaste, DECLARATIONS OF INDEPENDENCE "House admitted defeat just after Christmas. It seemed the snow wasn’t going to melt and the roads weren’t going to get reliably clearer anytime in the next few months, despite every attempt he made to deny it." Rated G. Namaste, FAMILY, FRIENDS, AND OTHER COMPLICATIONS Wilson is drawn into the House family and all its issues. Rated PG-13. House/Wilson friendship. nightdog_writes, HORSEFEATHERS When an accident lands Wilson in the hospital, House doesn't want to admit a secret. PG-13. Wilson has an unexpectedly rough time at a convenience store, and it's all House's fault. Rated PG-13. It wasn't that he was helpless, but with the river level rising quickly from the rain, how long could House wait for help? Rated PG-13. House/Wilson friendship. What is spoken is only a small part of what is actually said, especially when House is the one speaking. Rated PG-13. It was an old ritual, old magic from before the world had rational explanations and cold science. Cold science had failed House; Wilson had nothing left to try but this. Rated PG-13 Rebuilding a shattered life. Inspired by DIYSheep's The Contract and Lifeline. Rated PG-13 for disturbing imagery. Wilson was cautious. He was going to be cautious for the rest of House's life. Rated R. Warnings: suicide attempt. Qualapec the She-Wolf, MESSIAH OF SILENCE "Chase stumbled over the fallen log in front of him. He collapsed on the ground the dirt filling his mouth, temporarily masking the metallic taste that had been in his mouth... As a doctor, he knew he had to stop both the blood coming from his leg and his mouth. But if he stopped running a far worse fate awaited him…all he could do was run. If he stopped he died, if he kept going he’d die. Tears mingled with the blood, probably internal. Did it even matter? It was over…no matter what way he looked at it; it was over." Rated R. Life, death, and a double shot of irony. Rated R. House/Wilson. Warning: character death Wilson faces House's vulnerability. House does his best to ignore it. Rated R. Short. Simply Kelp, SOMEONE WHO CARES Chase thinks about his life as he plans his death. Rated R. Warnings: suicide attempt. "Three factors determine the extent of injury from a gunshot wound. One is velocity, or the speed at which the bullet travels as it leaves the muzzle. Another is frontal area, meaning the surface area of the bullet that strikes the target. The third is the distance the bullet travels before it is stoppedfor example, by lodging in the neck and abdominal cavity of a middle-aged doctor." Rated PG-13. smartnsweet1, MUSGRAVE RITUAL, THE "The metal of the Colt's cylinder felt soothingly cool against Greg's throbbing jaw. He rocked back and forth on the edge of the bed, rhythmically stroking his cheek with the .22 for a few minutes, before falling back onto the mattress with a choking sob." Rated R. House has been incarcerated for five years, and when he is released, he puts together the broken pieces of his life with the help of Cuddy, Wilson, and Cameron. House/Cameron. Rated R. Sequel: FIVE YEARS LATER springshine, ANOTHER DAY, ME AND YOU House bears the weight of his uncertainties. Rated PG-13. House/Wilson/Cuddy friendship. Kidnapping and amnesia. "The man with the cane had fallen through the earth." Rated PG-13. House tries to unravel a case that's haunting him while dealing with his own sudden medical problem. House/Wilson established relationship. Rated R. The leg gets worse and our heroes must do something, but will the cure be worse than the disease? A look at addiction and enabling. Rated R. House/Wilson established relationship. A look at House’s life in vignettes revolving around instances of drug use from his adolescence to the present. Rated PG-13. Sy Dedalus, NOTHING LIKE THE BLUES TO GET ME DOWN Scene fill in for Acceptance. House goes home after drinking with Clarence. Rated PG-13. Sy Dedalus, SOME DAYS ARE WORSE THAN OTHERS An alternate ending for “The Honeymoon” based on the script sides leaked by Fox in April 2005. Synopsis: instead of going home to his Vicodin, House gets angry and ends up starting a bar fight and nearly overdosing. Rated R. Sy Dedalus, WHAT FOLLY REASON, WHAT FOLLY HOPE A fill in for the summer beginning after the first scene in No Reason and ending eventually with the first scene in Meaning. Rated PG-13. Sy Dedalus, WORSE FOOT FORWARD Wilson has an accident. "Ringing endorsement, Wilson thought, but he put the pills in his mouth anyway. House probably did have some idea of how much this hurt. He made a disgusted face at the taste as he crushed the pills between his molars. House liked this?" Established House/Wilson. Rated R. It’s always there, that little orange bottle; on the edge of the bathroom sink, maybe, or when it’s really bad you leave it on your nightstand for easy reach in the night. Like a shadow, like a memory that’s always just out of reach. Rated PG. You might not be able to fix being broken. But shame doesn't have to come with the territory. House/Female other, House/Cuddy. Rated NC17. He'll fucking walk, and if there's no more pain there's no more Vicodin, no more pitying looks or screaming matches in her office, if he can walk she'll believe he doesn't really hate her and maybe she'll give him a chance. House/Cuddy. Rated R. telegramsam, HOUSES WHO LIVE IN GLASS HOSPITALS Infarction era. "Wilson stared at House as though searching for something. House felt slightly naked under his friend's scrutiny for the first time in his life. Well, at least it wasn't pity." House/Wilson relationship/friendship. Rated PG-13 Faced with illness, will House find anything or anyone worth fighting for? Or forgiving? Rated PG-13. "Sure, casual references to his bum leg weren’t really casual, but he’d never used their past against her because he knew it was out of her hands, just as it was out of his. And now…she almost wished he was doing this to get back at her for something petty like clinic hours. Or even for something as huge and unforgivable as…but no. As much as he flaunted his pain and his pills, he hid any real weaknesses. He grew quiet when he should ask for help. For him to come to her like that, so needy, so pathetic, he must have been in trouble." Rated R. How do you know if it's bad, unless you have something to compare it to? Rated PG-13. "Slightly drunk by the time I reach the door. It's him. I consider slamming the door to his face, for he has that stance of I think we (meaning I) need to actually have a talk and I'm not feeling uncharacteristically chatty about underlying issues and comforting phrases and little kittens and puppies and sunshine and rain rain rain. He takes my hesitation as an invitation and he's inside my territory and out of my crippled reach before I find the strength to push him out of my space. He's not gonna get anything. I'm a wall. I'm China's fucking Great Wall. Impenetrable. Fuck, I'm more than slightly drunk. And he has been talking all this time while I have conducted an inner monologue of sorts. Fuck. Whatever." Rated R for language. [Return to Fiction Categories] INTRODUCING...(THIRD PERSON NARRATIVES) Third person and external perspectives on the House universe. Armchair Elvis, THE BLEEDING MAN Stacy pokes around House's wallet. Rated PG. Armchair Elvis, SONG FOR THE GENIUS CHILD "This time she is warned. He hints on the phone one night just above the murmur of the television and the imposed blankness of his moods that he might have a break, and that this break might just coincide with a trip to their place. I've gotta visit you sometime, he says. So she waits, grateful to have been somewhat warned of the visit that he intends to spring upon them. Four days later, around six, the phone rings and he is talking on the other end, transit noises behind his voice, which holds a shadow of something more than a controlled telephone call in the living room. He is standing up, she can tell that much." Rated PG-13. Blademistress, HARDEST PART OF DYING, THE Mark doesn't actually resent Stacy. Not for that, anyway. deelaundry, WHY DR. HOUSE CANCELLED POKER NIGHT Dry-cleaner, Tax Accountant, and Bus Stop Guy had been surprised when House abruptly shut down poker night, but they went on with their lives. House/Wilson. Rated R. DIY Sheep, HE'S VERY VERBAL, ISN'T HE? "PPTH: The place seems to be chocka block full of doctors who got their degrees from the ‘Back of the Cereal Box’ Medical School; Oncologists who never seem to actually have any patients; doctors who can either kill the patient if they are on their pain medication or kill the patient if they are off their pain medication; doctors who sleep in their offices and doctors who do the horizontal tango in the sleep lab. That’s not even to mention the shootings, the way they chew through six million dollar MRI machines like candy and the fact the place grows wings faster than fast wing growing things. No wonder Cuddy always looks stressed. How does she keep the place running? I have a suspicion she is taking out her frustration using retail therapy. Her wardrobe is extensive." Rated G. "In England, in summer, its rains. She walks in the rain, silver between her shirt and her skin and she thinks about that doctor, heroic in his gone time when she was just a child and he gave her a whole life to live. It wasn't just him. She remembers the others. Even now, she doesn't want to see ungrateful, so she keeps them close; Chase who was very handsome, House who had scared her, even though he'd never hurt her. And Foreman, who had been handsome, so handsome." Rated PG. An outsider's view of Wilson's grief. Rated PG-13. [Return to Fiction Categories] DREAMS & INTROSPECTION Stories that are centered on internal dialogue, introspection, and self-reflection. Can deal with angst, relationships, and/or friendships, and can also include dreamscapes, subjective experiences, or altered states of consciousness, that often bleed into an external reality. Also includes vignettes and AU plots. 2ndary_author, BEGGARMAN, THIEF "All his life, Greg House has stolen thingsless out of malice, or even desire, than because he hates having to ask for them. One of his earliest memories is the shock of opening his hand and finding a piece of wrapped candy in his palm. Somewhere during an afternoon of trailing his mother in and out of various tiny shops, he must have picked it up, though he never actually remembers doing so. He remembers with astonishing accuracy both the surprise and the candy itself: the cellophane had been marked with Asian characters. Japanese, maybe, in which case he would have been four, or possibly Korean; they'd lived in Korea for a few months leading up to his sixth birthday." Rated PG-13. "He looks like an overgrown child in a nursery chair, dressed in grown-up clothes. His belt buckle clicks against the back of the chair, reminding her that he had to pull his pants down. He pulled his pants down in her office. The irony of all this astounds her." Fill-in for "Skin Deep." Rated PG. Armchair Elvis, CALL BACK LET IT RING SOME MORE "He thinks that House will understand the haste when he was the one to call his best friend’s parents and tell them that their son’s heart stopped because of the poison rushing through his system." Infarction era. Rated PG. atlasshrugged, AUDITIONING GHOST, AN In the company of common fillers. Rated G. It fell, as he ordered, in rapid achievement. Chase reflects. Rated PG-13. He never really says, 'I want to have children, Allison,' but a month after their wedding, she can't find any condoms in the apartment. If first is the worst, what about second. Rated PG-13. Warnings: miscarriage. House/Cameron "Yes, the person existed enough to make six people question themselves." Rated PG. Cuddy goes on vacation. "She refuses to go to Atlantic City because gambling is a terrible affliction from which her father suffers, yet she finds no harm in spending the weekend before the fourth of July in a nameless seaside town playing the fake slots in the aptly titled 'Fantasy Island.' She tells herself that she is winning these gifts for her nieces and nephewsthat this isn’t her father’s problem." Rated PG. Bellsie, END OF THE WORLD, THE "Ice submerges beneath fire and all that’s leftgrandiose grumblings and effervescent epitaphs. Swinging hands and nursery rhymes persist throughout the collective mind. Sense and feeling and nerves merge. He has made these changes and has asked the questionshe must pretend to enjoy the predicaments and complications." Rated PG. And she can't sleepinsomniacs' anonymous anyone? Cuddy ruminates on a sleepless evening. Rated PG-13 big-tears, HEAVEN/EARTH/DREAMS "GOD laughs at this but you don't feel like an idiot. THE MAN STANDING NEXT TO YOU has made a very realistic observation and you wonder if, being three and picking daisies from YOUR MOTHER's flower bed, you could feel the impending ache of divorce limping into the corners of your family's suburban home." Rated PG. blackmare_9, HORRIBLE REIGN OF WILSON THE SECOND, THE House is destroying Saint Jimmy, and that's not nearly as awful a thing as everyone thinks. Rated PG. blackmare_9, NARROW MARGIN OF SAFETY, A Chase gets an answer to a very common--and usually unasked--question. Short Apologies can only do so much; the rest isn't so easy, not with these two. House and Wilson in the wake of the mess they've both made. Angst with some humor and a healthy dose of hope. Rated PG-13. House/Wilson friendship "Sometimes, when he's bored or pensive, House toys with the universe, and right now seems as good a time as any. He sits in his office chair, leans his cane against the desk, and pulls a random coin out of the change in his pocket. He looks at it first; it's a Connecticut quarter, 1999, George Washington on one side and an oak tree on the other, its sturdy trunk tapering off into thinner branches, the branches tapering off into finer and finer detail. It has a patina of wear, but is still shiny for its age. He balances it on his forefinger, and flicks it into the air. There's a well-known theory about universes running in parallel - that every decision made or not made, every action taken or not taken creates, in effect, its own world, with paths leading off at every juncture. Infinite possibilities, almost close enough to touch, but what passes for us, our consciousness, getting to experience only one out of all of them. With each toss of the coin, House likes to think he can almost see this process in action." Rated NC17. House/Wilson. "He stumbles out onto the balcony and lights a cigarette with fumbling hands. He draws the smoke into him and squeezes his eyes tight shut against the pain. He rubs hard and fast. It’s nothing. It will go away. It’s all in his mind. He’s better now." Rated PG-13. elva_barr, WE READ THE LAST PAGE AND END AT THE BEGINNING "For Wilson, it's not irregular. Patients have died before, he's an oncologist, patients, for him, die at least every week, but House only takes on one or two patients in a week, and everyone knows that they're not … They aren't supposed to die. " Rated PG-13. When Wilson suddenly dies, there is no one but House left to pick up the pieces. House/Wilson. Rated R. "Of course, she'd known it would be Dr. House. She had hoped that maybe just maybe James would invite a different collogue. He had a whole department of oncologists who could appreciate her cooking and a fine wine better than Dr. House. And unlike Dr. House, James actually got along with his staff and peers. There was no reason that the caustic diagnostician should be the only man her fiancé spent time with." Wilson/Julie. goddesspharo, NO ONE REALLY WINS It's getting too hard to hold up the world all by herself. Rated PG-13. House/Wilson/Cuddy. hi_falootin, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS A FREE RIDE If Chase is going to get drunk, he's going to need a ride home. Chase/Foreman. Rated PG. K., Irena, FIVE THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPENED TO GREGORY HOUSE "They stay standing there, the rest of world tumbling away into the abyss. And he knows that everything, everything changes now." Rated R. "And when the heart stops pumping, when not only the leg but the rest of his body begin to grow cool, he’s still smiling. For the first time ever, it doesn’t hurt to be House." Character death. Rated PG-13. He had dinner with Cuddy and watched her across the table, glowing in the low light of the restaurant, her lovely fine hands flying around her face as she talked and her thin shoulders holding up the weight of the world, so impossibly in love with Gregory House that Wilson found it hard to breathe around her some days because he knew how that went. Rated PG. A meditation on autumn melancholy, death, life, and cold. Post-Informed Consent. Rated PG. 26 vignettes, one for each letter of the alphabet. Rated PG. "House tried to glare at the trinket but his flashbacks were getting in the way. Making some snide remark and ignoring Wilson's response, he let the thing clatter into the trashcan, satisfied that even Anubis himself wasn't as lofty as his own feather standard. " House/Wilson. Rated PG-13. "Wilson had never thought House was a god. He was no saint. Not even a choirboy. But Wilson couldn’t imagine what his life would have been without House there. And it had become so easy to scare himself with the images of House leaving him, leaving them all forever. Of House making a mistake that would leave him just a shell of who he was. Of House just fading away." Rated G. nightdog_barks, A BUTTON, A FEATHER, A GRAIN OF SAND Wilson can't get rid of House even when House is away at a conference. Rated PG. House/Wilson friendship/relationship "Where was Wilson?", a meditation on what people see and why, and the anger (real or imagined) of inanimate objects. House/Wilson. Rated PG-13. Wilson hopes House has forgotten his birthday. He hasn't. House/Wilson friendship niqaeli, PATHOLOGY OF LEAST RESISTANCE, THE “Most days, Chase likes everybody.” Rated PG. Most of life's rituals are a sign of faith, worship, respect. A doctor's rituals are signs of weakness. House/Cuddy friendship. Rated PG. Short You don't get me and I don't expect you to. You claim to understand everyone, to be able to read people, but I've fed you my stereotype until I hope you choke on it. You look at me and you see a rich, young, (spoilt?) pretty guy, fucked-up by his parents (and how did you find out about my mother anyway?), chewing on a pen, wearing a tasteless shirt, making insensitive comments. Maybe that is me. Maybe it isn't. Rated PG. House/Chase "A dusty piano stool with medical journals mixed up with the sheet music, An out of date reference book with 'moron!' scrawled in the margin, Crutches with 'love' and 'hate' written on the handles in Liquid Paper, A tuxedo jacket with a hole chewed through it by sharp rat teeth" House/Cameron. Rated PG. Epilogue to ENDGAME "Allison is already waiting for you when you arrive, holding an anxious-looking Emily by the hand. Your daughter releases her mother’s hand as she sees the two of you get out of the car, and she runs over to you. She is still in her school uniform, her bright hair tied back in a ponytail. The two women kiss each other, briefly, and you hear Allison say something in a comforting tone... It seems wrong and disrespectful that the weather’s so sunny. You remember how cold and wet it was, this time last year, and the insistent wind which had everyone clutching onto their umbrellas. You’d forgotten until this morning that you’d never cleaned the mud off your only pair of dark shoes, and you had to haul them out of the back of the closet and give them a polish." House/Cameron, Wilson/Cuddy. Character death. Companion piece for ENDGAME and BETWEEN THE LINES. Rated PG. Clothes don't make the man, but they can tell his story. Mild R. "His heart tripped as the words replayed in his head, the memory of those blue eyes sharp and cold as the sting of a razor blade. He wondered what punishments House would inflict on him. He knew they would be exquisite. " Rated PG-13. "James Wilson lives in squares, rectangles, with right angles. He defines, defines, defines. He sharpens away, he doesn't hide behind blurs; his world is black and white because grays only appear when a person doesn't look close enough to see which bits are white and which are black; to figure out the absolute truth; there is always an absolute truth, even if no ones smart enough to figure it out." Rated R. House/Wilson. Stacy left once. House isn't letting it happen the same way again. Rated PG-13. "Sometimes he wanted to curl into a little ball and hide in the darkness, ashamed of himself of his inability to help House. Other times he walked into the hospital with his head held up high, determined. And walked out dejected, his tail between his legs. House bested him every time." Rated PG. Sy Dedalus, FIVE WAYS OUT OF HELL House’s five ways out of hell following “Need to Know.” Rated R. "For thirty years he's been convinced he's a disappointment: and doesn't care. She knows better. But sometimes the secrets people keep aren't the things that hurt us." House/Cuddy. Rated PG-13. Systemic Anomaly, WE HAVE DREAMED TOO LITTLE "May all our defilements be dispelled completely." Character death. Rated R. Sequel: YOUR HAND WOULD BE WITH ME Systemic Anomaly, YOUR HAND WOULD BE WITH ME "In the end, nothing ever happens when you're prepared for it. Preparation? It's only the way we have of trying to impose order on the chaos. If we believe we can control everything, we'll never be surprised. Because surprise brings change; and hurt; and passion. And once it's hit you there's no right and wrong anymore, and nothing is ever the same." House/Cuddy. Character death. Rated NC17. "She wished she knew how to lure him out of the dark hole he’d dug himself into, but she was wise enough to know that any direct attempt on her part would only make him wedge himself in further. He didn’t trust her, not anymore. She wondered if he trusted anyone these days, even Wilson." Rated PG. "They were said to carry the souls of the departed to the realm of the dead. He supposed that’s why they gathered here, in the trees near the hospital. Or maybe they just liked the garbage and leftovers from the cafeteria." Rated PG-13. "Wilson was glad his friend was asleep, he’d never speak to him again after this display of maudlin pity, and Wilson cursed himself for indulging in it. It would be a while before he woke up, though, if he ever woke up at all." Rated PG-13. "Well, yeah, that´s why you started him on activated protein C, because you couldn´t find a more dangerous and inadequate drug to show how much you care, an annoying voice in her head keeps saying. Cuddy is not surprised this voice seems very much like House´s." Rated PG-13 [Return to Fiction Categories] CRIME SCENES Doctors under investigation for a crime, or lawsuit. Does not include pain management issues. Two brothers are reunited through a murder and an affair, but nothing is ever as simple as that, especially when love, murder and the third brother are involved. House/Wilson. NCIS crossover. Rated PG-13. sagga_bott, WORLD MORE FULL OF WEEPING, A Baby ducks don't do well in prison. How much of his incarceration and the events leading up are House's fault? How much does House think is his fault? Rated NC17. Chase/OMC, House/Chase, Wilson/Chase, some House/Wilson Accusations are made. Loyalties will be tested. House and his team attend a conference in Las Vegas, and he is accused of murder. CSI crossover. [Return to Fiction Categories] PRE-HOUSE Character history back-stories. "He asked you to talk to the doctor. Put him in a coma. And that's when you'd made your decision to tell them to do that middle-ground surgery. You wouldn't tell him about it, because you knew he'd refuse. At that point, you just wanted him to live and had completely forgotten about the fact that he was a doctor and you weren't and that it was his body and not yours. You didn't tell him because you knew he'd refuse it, and you didn't want to have to argue any more. So you ordered it. Dr. Cuddy made a weak attempt to stop you, but it didn't work. You told her he wanted to be put into a coma, the one part of his request you honored, and went back to his room again t watch." Rated R. House/Stacy. She's been in Michigan for almost three years, and the winters last much longer than that. Rated PG-13. John House doesn't understand his son. Rated PG-13. Lisa Cuddy always knew she was going to be a great doctor. Rated PG. Inspector Minkey, SOUTH OF NORMAL ...I've been alienating people since I was three!... And House has, but why? Spring of '63 onward. Rated PG-13. Warnings: abuse. Mid-novel length. leiscully and sangria_lilla, HAPPY ADVENTURES WITH LOUIE THE LIPID, THE Biochem studying turns into history. Rated NC17. House/Cuddy. Somehow guilt and House are inextricably associated in her mind. House/Cuddy. Rated NC17. "Jimmy would watch his brother move into any group with ease, see how he drew people to him, balancing out a loose group of friends that took in everyone in high school from the football players to the A.V. club geeks. They treated Jimmy as a equal -- rather than merely Jack’s little brother -- because Jack treated him that way." Rated G. What made House such a cynic anyway? Rated PG. "Cuddy remembered what House said once, after Alfredo, after solving yet another case, accusing her of being unable to see the 'gaping chasm' between reality and what could be. She hadn’t been certain then whether to be pleased or pissed off." Rated G. Whenever he is at the piano, everything seems to make more sense, as if Morrison’s doors of perception are thrown open, and he briefly senses reality. Or maybe it’s just that nothing else matters. Rated PG. Raising Greg House. Rated G. Foreman learned a lot about guns, and in the process, a little bit about himself. Rated G. Sometimes distance is the only way to keep a family together. Rated G. "James Wilson smiled at Cameron as she talked about spending the Christmas holidays with her parents. He nodded at the right places, although his mind was occupied with two equally horrible thoughts." Rated PG-13. "Problem was the gun had been used in a shooting. The cops had come looking for his brother and found the gun instead. They'd hauled him and his father down to the station and waived his own juvie record in front of him. He'd been furious that the cops might think he'd go so far as to hurt someone and then for the first time terrified that he'd never convince them otherwise. Prison for something he hadn't done terrified him even more. Thankfully the tape from the convenience store had shown he'd not been there, someone else had been the shooter despite his prints being on the gun. Eventually the cops had had to let him leave. To go home with a father who couldn't speak to him for far too many days, could only sadly look at him." Rated PG-13. When House met Wilson for the first time he didn't expect this to change his life forever. House/Wilson. Rated NC-17 Systemic Anomaly, FIRE BETWEEN, THE The people we grow to love often understand us far better than the people that raised us; and honor is a matter of choice. House/Cuddy. Rated PG-13. Systemic Anomaly, SIX DEGREES OF SOMETHING Six chronological snapshots into the mind of Greg House: the lessons we take from life aren't always the ones they want us to have. Rated G. "People didn't look at House and think 'He'd make a good Dad,' not even the ones who wanted to fuck him, few as they were. Not even the ones who wanted to fix him, and there weren't nearly as many of them. It probably never even occurred to any of them that it was a possibility, or if it occurred to them then it was only in that pseudo-nightmarish way which the thought of him multiplying seemed to induce in people." [Return to Fiction Categories] LOST SIBLINGS Stories on canon and non-canon siblings of any major/minor character in the show. Stories usually accompanied by grief, death, and/or comfort. (Major character deaths will be noted in summary). May include a crime plot, as well as medical mysteries. Several stories are cross-posted in other relevant categories. daasgrrl, NOTHING LEFT TO LOSE "House would do virtually anything to get out of clinic duty, and Wilson had taken advantage of that fact, together with Cuddy‘s sympathetic disposition. Wilson didn’t really know why he had asked House along, except that identifying his brother’s presumptive body was something he wasn’t sure he wanted to do alone." House/Wilson relationship. Rated NC17. Two brothers are reunited through a murder and an affair, but nothing is ever as simple as that, especially when love, murder and the third brother are involved. House/Wilson. NCIS crossover. Rated PG-13. ducks-in-a-row, HOUSE OF CARDS "'Didn't say it would. But this guy's life, his reputation, was all a lie, an illusion, a...house of cards.' House planted a hand in the middle of Wilson's back and gave him a gentle shove out the door. 'Let's go knock it down.'" Rated R. Wilson gets some good news, but Cuddy thinks House won't feel that way. A (hopefully) dark look at House's attitudes to his friendship with Wilson. Rated PG. "It was the drugs talking, James told himself, pushing back the instinctive hurt and betrayal. He and Michael had been more than brothers; they’d been friends. 'Let me help you get clean and then I promise I’ll leave you alone. For the rest of your life, if you want.'" Rated R. "Jimmy would watch his brother move into any group with ease, see how he drew people to him, balancing out a loose group of friends that took in everyone in high school from the football players to the A.V. club geeks. They treated Jimmy as a equal -- rather than merely Jack’s little brother -- because Jack treated him that way." Rated G. A six-year-old James Wilson looks at his family and spends time with his older brother. Rated R. Wilson protects those he loves, but it takes a toll on him. House/Wilson friendship. Rated G. An outsider's view of Wilson's grief. Rated PG-13. "It was too late of a damp and cloudy February evening, after too long of a day, but James Wilson still had one final vigil to observe and that was what brought him here to this broken-down neighborhood off the downtown of Princeton...While the cinder block in front of the boarded-up brick house was cold, the dented metal fencing behind his back was colder, so that the chill from both the concrete and the iron leached through his overcoat and his trousers straight to his bones." House/Wilson comfort. Rated PG. [Return to Fiction Categories] THE NEXT GENERATION Dealing with pregnancy or offspring of any major/minor characters of the show. Usually takes place in the future, and can involve a romantic relationship between characters. From his earliest memory, Jack Wilson knew: you don't talk about your family. Rated PG. House/Wilson cincoflex, SIX RANDOM THOUGHTS IN THE COURSE OF AN INJECTION House eyes the smooth expanse of rounded muscle under his fingers, trying to find the right spot. House/Cuddy. Rated PG. exhumedpotato, EVERYTHING NICE "'House,' Wilson said carefully, as if talking to a child. 'It's not wrong, it's not a mistake, it's not a nightmare... it's a girl.'" Rated PG-13 exhumedpotato, PARADOXES AND OXYMORONS "'It's her responsibility. She wants this. I'm doing a good thing; I'm helping a friend. That's it. I'm staying out of it. It'sI'm not going to be in the picture, I can't be in the picture. She doesn't want me in her life," House said, and suddenly realized his voice was loud and quivering. So he closed his eyes, tried to relax, and added with a sigh and the bare hint of a smile, "Are you mad because you're going to be a grandma? That doesn't make you old, you know. Okay, so maybe it does--"' House/Cuddy. Rated PG-13. Sequel to EVERYTHING NICE phineyj, THROUGH A GLASS, DARKLY "School's not so bad; what they ask you to do is easy and you're always done before they think you will be, leaving lots of time for thinking up ways to annoy the teacher and make the other kids laugh. You make a friend, Sarah, who invites you to her apartment after school one day. Her mom is not at all like yours. Mrs Gould is loud, and laughs a lot, and says things like, 'That would be awesome!' She asks about your parents, so you say they're both doctors, and that sounds boring, so you add, 'And my dad only has one leg.'" Rated R. House/Cameron. Third person POV. "It wasn’t supposed to be this way. In the world Lisa Cuddy had imagined, she would have a perfect baby who’d grow to be an exemplary human being." Rated R. It takes more than blood to hold a family together. Rated PG-13. rageprufrock, DERIVING THE PRIME "For the same reasons Wilson is an exceptional and exceptionally well-liked doctor, he is a dream of a friend for Cuddy during her early pregnancy. He brings her decaffienated tea and saltines and one memorable night, drags House over to make Cuddy dinner in her own home, and she and Wilson spend the night telling Mortifying Stories About House, which is actually kind of amazing because House thought he'd abandoned shame years ago." Rated R. House/Cuddy. Misery loves company, right? House/Cuddy. Rated R. A life told in snippets from a series of parent-teacher conferences. Rated PG. House/Wilson. In which, Cuddy's hospital has germs, House has a baby and a case, Wilson has meetings, and Mrs. Donhauser has boobs. Rated PG. [Return to Fiction Categories] LIFE WITHOUT HOUSE Greg House is dead, not missing or absent. cryptictac, THREE WORD STATEMENTS IN FIVE STAGES "There are many different sets of three-word statements Wilson has heard (and used) in his lifetime; three-word statements that conjure up the very essence of the message, in three powerful yet simple words: you have cancer, the tumor's inoperable, I'm going home, I want you, I hate you, I love you, please marry me, I'm getting married, I'm leaving you, I'm getting divorced, we are finished. These are all words he's mulled over for as long as it was necessary to before he neatly compartmentalised them and moved on. " House/Wilson, Rated R. DIY Sheep, GAME, SET, AND MATCH "'“He may have been a buraku, but he mattered.”" Rated PG-13. James would have been more adamant about his demands had known that one day a slighted patient would walk into House's office and kill him. Alternate Universe. Rated PG-13. House never did anything in a conventional manner. Why should death be any different? Rated PG-13. Slipstream, NO MERE MORTAL, HE On the first day of your internship at Princeton-Plainsboro you have five different conversations about Dr. House. Rated G. [Return to Fiction Categories] LIFE AFTERLIFE House is wrong, there is "something" after death. "I pace for the now-sitting Wilson. I know the answer to my question (I’m a doctor), but I want reassurance. House the bastard is invincible. He is not the evil villain who dies; he’s the dark hero of medicineBatman with a stethoscope." Rated R. "But then I saw James smile in a way he hadn’t for a long time. I saw James’ eyes light up as he looked up at the man leering over him. So I decided that he was OK. I went off to clean room 213 and left them to it. I’d bend the rules this time. It wasn’t like James got many visitors." Rated PG. "(So… reality was wrong. Reality is almost always wrong.)" House/Wilson. Rated R. Chinese folklore tells of a man who died, quite suddenly. He had urgent and painful regrets which barred him from a peaceful afterlife. Only by erasing those regrets could he then rest in peace. Rated PG. [Return to Fiction Categories] BEYOND RATIONALITY: ALTERNATE UNIVERSE AND FANTASY Includes casefiles involving paranormal/supernatural phenomena, as well as dreams and introspective stories which revolve around "real" supernatural, otherworldly phenomena. Also includes stories that involves crossovers that require suspension of belief. Wilson learns his pre-history, gets naked, and jumps off a cliff. Rated R. They meet again and again and again. Rated PG-13. Where House learns a secret and Wilson hides from shovels. House/Wilson relationship. Rated R. angelfirenze, EXCUSE | Part 1, Part 2 Incorrigible. That's what Cuddy and Wilson call him whenever he's pulled some stunt or played a prank or made some comment. It's one of his favorite words, but they don't know why. Considering the circumstances, neither does he. Rated PG. Harry Potter/House crossover. "Cameron got it, and shot House an incredulous look that he ignored as he sipped his coffee. Foreman finally gave a noisy sigh. 'You really expect us to do a differential diagnosis on vampirism?'" Rated R. Kind of a variation on the Schrodinger's Cat experiment, but with Wilson. Rated R. Goddess of Heather, INNER CHILD A towheaded boy walks into the clinic, who is also his most bizarre case yet. ChaseHouse centric with minor roles from everyone else. Rated PG. Kimberly Rector, FIT THE FIRST: THE LANDING "A high ululation cut through the ruckus and the cool, stale air rushing out of the hospital lobby. Not an alarm, House realized as he moved cautiously through the glass and around the guard's twitching legs to peer into the chaos. He took in papers flying, nurses and patients scrambling, Cuddy white-faced and talking into a cell phone, and three guards training their weapons on an Amazonian brunette in a leather mini-dress and knee-high boots as she somersaulted onto the nurses' station. A battlecry." Rated PG-13. Crossover: Xena: Warrior Princess Wilson had the infarction instead of House. Prequel is APRIL FOOLS. When House wakes up one morning, something is...different. Rated PG. mara, CHANGE IS THE ONLY CONSTANT "Cuddy looked at him with her usual long-suffering expression. 'What's this about you refusing to treat Bruce Wayne? He's offering the hospital a lot of money and this time nobody's asking you to endorse a drug.'" Batman/Bruce Wayne cross-over. Rated PG. Michael Weyer, CASE OF HOUSE AND HOLMES, A "Early November in London is an interesting period. The warmth of autumn and the falling leaves gives way to the chill of winter and this one promised to be quite chilly indeed. It seemed the perfect afternoon to make my way to 221B Baker Street to see what my old friend Sherlock Holmes was up to." Rated PG-13. Crossover: Sherlock Holmes. Just how long have House and Wilson known each other? "The surgeon took three oddly-gaited steps, bringing him nearer the slave; deliberately leaning in too close, he curled his free hand into a fist. The younger man flinched back, his left shoulder instinctively rising as if to lessen the force of a blow. The Roman's eyes narrowed; it was as he had suspected. He'd seen the signs when the torchlight fell directly on the slave's face -- a nose that had been broken more than once, a ragged scar beneath the right eye; even the smooth trace of a burn on the side of the neck, above the ugly iron collar. Separately, they meant nothing, but taken together, the evidence was indisputable." Rated R. House/Wilson The mutant telepathic attack on the world's population in X-Men: United has some unusual repercussions at Princeton-Plainsboro. Rated PG. House/X-Men crossover. Mid-novel length. PWCorgigirl, ENCHANTMENT'S PERILS Wilson meets the girl of his dreams, but he's having unusual side effects from the relationship, so House calls in two other experts on a consult. Rated PG-13. House/Supernatural cross-over House has a weird coma case on his desk and a crazy guy in his clinic rounds. Also fantasies of a remote mute button for Foreman. Rated G. House/Harry Potter crossover. House's latest patient has some interesting symptoms one being that he thinks he's a wizard. Rated PG-13. Crossover: Harry Potter [Return to Fiction Categories] FLEXING THE SARCASM MUSCLE: WIT & HUMOR Bardvahalla 2005, THE VERY SECRET JOURNAL OF GREGORY HOUSE, MD "Day 2019 - All in all, v. v. tiring day. Whiney Cameron forcing me out on date." Rated PG-13. What's a fanfic writer to do when no-one will co-operate? House/Wilson, Rated R. deelaundry, WHY DR. HOUSE CANCELLED POKER NIGHT Dry-cleaner, Tax Accountant, and Bus Stop Guy had been surprised when House abruptly shut down poker night, but they went on with their lives. House/Wilson. Rated R. We have had neices, Mary Sues from Hell and long lost twin daughters... so let's go for a grannie. Rated G. katling73, GREAT MINION ADVENTURE, THE What ho! House and his minions venture forth into great danger and adventure. Here be dragons! Rated G. Tinker-Bell-Greenleaf, A HOUSE FOR ALL SEASONS As holidays pass, life at Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital continues as normal... or normal for them anyway. Rated PG-13. |